How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

It was our first night last night with the new puppy, is it normal for him to cry when we leave him alone. How long does this last? Is there anything I can do to stop him crying...

    How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

    It was our first night last night with the new puppy, is it normal for him to cry when we leave him alone. How long does this last? Is there anything I can do to stop him crying......
    General Dog Discussions : How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?...

    • How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

      How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night? General Dog Discussions
      It was our first night last night with the new puppy, is it normal for him to cry when we leave him alone. How long does this last? Is there anything I can do to stop him crying...

      How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

      How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night? General Dog Discussions
    • it is normal, he thinks he has been abandoned by you, but will soon get used to the fact that you will re-appear in the morning, a week or two usually. make sure he has food, water, a cosy bed, and something with it's mothers scent in it's bed. DO NOT BEAT THE ANIMAL like the idiot above is suggesting, this will confuse and scare it.

    • Put his crate beside your bed at night. He is lonely and afraid as he has just been separated from his Mom/brothers/sisters and is in a new and strange place with strangers.You can also put a clock in the crate as it is supposed to mimic the heartbeat of his Mom.I ended up taking the pup to bed and we both had a great night sleep.Best of luck. Merry, Merry.

    • Put an alarm clock that ticks in bed with him. That represents the heartbeat from the mama. Don't be smacking him all the time. He's just a new puppy and misses his mama.

    • Yes it's normally because their use to being around lots of puppies and so they don't really know how to deal with being alone. Something that will help in this area is to get a lot pillows or stuffed animals and leave them with the puppy when it's time for him to go to sleep. This way the puppy thinks that he's around his family again and it should help him sleep. Also, you can try sticking a clock inside one of the pillows so that it sounds like a heart beat. Hot water bottles or a heating pad or something that simulates warmth can help as well. This will give the puppy the feeling that it's around living things because a mother gives off a great amount of body heat (well for a little puppy anyway). Good luck with the pup and Merry Christmas!!

    • When we had a new puppy we put a windup clock in the puppies' bed or crate with a cuddly blanket. The ticking of the clock is a substitute for the mothers' heartbeat. This comforts the puppy. It worked for us. Hope it can work for you.Have a Merry Christmas!

    • He or she is just a little home sick.....Lay a blanket or if you have a doggie pillow/bed on the floor along side you bed, and if the puppy begins to cry just simply stroke his/her back of pet there back to let them know they are not alone. Soon the puppy will relize the night is the time for you to sleep and will be good.

    • Yes, this is very normal. And, should only last a few nights. Make sure the little one doesn't need to do his 'business', otherwise the only thing I found to quiet them is be near them.

    • Yes it is. When my parent got their dog when I lived with em he cried every night for about two or three weeks every night.The key is to ignore him. All he wants is attention when he wants it. To have a mindful dog you have to be the alpha. You show him that this behavior is bad by ignoring it so that he has no reason to continue. Because if you pay attention to him everytime he cries (even if your telling him no) it shows him he gets what he wants by crying.

    • Leave the light on in whichever room he is so he does notget frightened.It is normal for your puppy to cry he is scared and misses his mother.As long as you start a routine with the the dog you will be fine.Let him sleep in your bedroom if you have to just so he is not scared.

    • yes this is normal ! try this get a wind up clock put it were it sleeps this will keep it company. sounds strange but it works. the ticking sounds like the heart beat of its mother and it will sooth it too sleep good luck.

    • Dogs are den animals. So it will help the puppy to be sleeping a box or some sort of semi enclosed space. Also wrap up a click that ticks loudly and place it in the box. It mimics the mother's heartbeat and soothes the puppy.

    • He's lonely and missing his Mom and siblings. He needs to know he's part of a "pack" - If you don't want him sleeping with you, or in the same room (both my dogs sleep in my room) then put an old T-shirt that smells of you (wear it for an hour first if necessary) on his bedding and either a ticking clock or a cheap radio tuned preferably to a talk station. In the morning - greet him warmly - lots of hugs and "good boys" before you let him outside.Puppies, like almost every other crature, need to know they belong, and that they are loved.