Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this?

I was unclear the first time I asked. I know what the quick is. It isn't that is at the very beginning of the nail before the quick on the inside

    Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this?

    I was unclear the first time I asked. I know what the quick is. It isn't that is at the very beginning of the nail before the quick on the inside...
    General Dog Discussions : Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this?...

    • Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this?

      Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this? General Dog Discussions
      I was unclear the first time I asked. I know what the quick is. It isn't that is at the very beginning of the nail before the quick on the inside

      Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this?

      Between the nail bed and the pad on my pups nails is filled with blood what is causing this? General Dog Discussions
    • Hello! I searchred for your other question just to get a feel for what you needed answered. Here it is!:Yeast.It looks like blood, i know, but it isn't. Mix some apple cider vinegar with water 1:1, and spray or soak the foot several times a day. You can use the leftover (the stuff in the original bottle, not your mixture, and definitely not the contaminated stuff =P) to put on people food like coleslaw, or when your puppy has loose stools, you can put little bit in the food (a table spoon or 2, depending on how much food he;s eating)