How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.?

I adopted a 5 1/2 weeks old puppy from a non reputable breeder (my bad) I already put a deposit on her and was told by the breeder that I can take her home at 6 weeks so I did my research and found out that you should only bring puppies home at 8 weeks.…

    How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.?

    I adopted a 5 1/2 weeks old puppy from a non reputable breeder (my bad) I already put a deposit on her and was told by the breeder that I can take her home at 6 weeks so I did my research and found out that you should only bring puppies home at 8 weeks.…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.?...

    • How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.?

      How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a 5 1/2 weeks old puppy from a non reputable breeder (my bad) I already put a deposit on her and was told by the breeder that I can take her home at 6 weeks so I did my research and found out that you should only bring puppies home at 8 weeks. I contacted the breeder and asked her if she can wait 2 more weeks but she said the vet already released the puppy I asked her what food the puppy is eating and she said cesar puppy. at 5 1/2 weeks the breeder texted me and said I can bring the puppy home already and all her litter mates are gone and they took the mother away from her so I felt like the puppy will be better of with me as she feeds her none nutritional food and I was afraid she would not take care of the puppy. I can't turn my back away from the cute puppy as I know she needs me more now. My questions is how can I help her be more socialize to other pets and how can I teach her good biting inhibition? would day care works for her or puppy class? I can take her to a puppy class on her 7th weeks or day care at 9 weeks what can you all suggest I can do to help her. I really feel bad that I got her at her early age this is the first time I'm owning a pet and I thought I did my research already but apparently it's not enough but there is nothing I can do know except to help her. Thank you

      How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.?

      How can I help my 5 1/2 week puppy socialize and have a good biting inhibition.? General Dog Discussions
    • Try to play with your puppy, let him mouth on your hands. Continue play until he bites especially hard. When he does, immediately give a high-pitched yelp, as if you’re hurt, and let your hand go limp. This should startle your puppy and cause him to stop mouthing you, at least momentarily.