Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?
Will a female dog go out of her way to find a male dog to mate with? I've only seen and heard of male dogs doing this. Female dogs probably run away for the same reason, but I imagine male dogs do it more often. Or no?
Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?
Will a female dog go out of her way to find a male dog to mate with? I've only seen and heard of male dogs doing this. Female dogs probably run away for the same reason, but I imagine male dogs do it more often. Or no?... General Dog Discussions : Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?...
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Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?
Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?General Dog Discussions
Will a female dog go out of her way to find a male dog to mate with? I've only seen and heard of male dogs doing this. Female dogs probably run away for the same reason, but I imagine male dogs do it more often. Or no?
Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?
Are male dogs the ones who usually seek female dogs when they are in heat? Or does it work both ways?General Dog Discussions
Males will seek females out, not the other way around. Males will wander for miles to find females. Females won't do that. They will stay where they are. However, a receptive female will gladly accept the advances of a male they feel adequate, and may wander closer to him in order to "check him out" to see if he's within her standards. If he's not, she'll let him know by not permitting him to mate with her. That doesn't happen often, but I've seen it happen.
Males will go to more lengths to get to a female than a female will to get to a male. But some females will try quite hard to find a male to mate with.I had a male dog that totally ignored female dogs on heat!My friend has a female that sticks her rump into any passing males face!It all comes down to what the individual dog is like.There's no hard and fast rule.