What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough?

So when Gracie[dog] and Jasper[puppy] play Gracie is constantly biting at his back legs and is leaving horrible wounds on his leg. That look terribly sore. Does anyone know some way I could keep her off his leg other than keep saying Gracie a billion…

    What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough?

    So when Gracie[dog] and Jasper[puppy] play Gracie is constantly biting at his back legs and is leaving horrible wounds on his leg. That look terribly sore. Does anyone know some way I could keep her off his leg other than keep saying Gracie a billion…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough?...

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    • What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough?

      What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough? General Dog Discussions
      So when Gracie[dog] and Jasper[puppy] play Gracie is constantly biting at his back legs and is leaving horrible wounds on his leg. That look terribly sore. Does anyone know some way I could keep her off his leg other than keep saying Gracie a billion times..like something to put on it that she wont like that taste of but wont hurt Jasper's skin

      What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough?

      What can I do to stop my dog from playing so rough? General Dog Discussions
    • you cant stop dogs from playing rough that just how they play... but your older dog will hurt the puppy if he doesnt know how to play with other dogs (never been exposed to it) or if the puppy challenges Gracies dominance (Gracie is below you but your dogs will fight among eachother to figure out who is the highest among them) but once dominence is sorted out it should die down

    • i had this problem with my rotti pup when i first got him he would not leave my older dog alone i just left them to play but if he got a bit to rough i told him off and sent him into his bed in another room for a while. i wouldn't recommend u do this every time they play just if u think he is getting a bit to much for her.