Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed?

My puppy plays, runs and is very active.. my problem is the amount of feaces he passes at one time. I is a lot and very soft. I change his feed twice already and gets the same result. Any solution?? I feed him Canil then switch to Purina One

    Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed?

    My puppy plays, runs and is very active.. my problem is the amount of feaces he passes at one time. I is a lot and very soft. I change his feed twice already and gets the same result. Any solution?? I feed him Canil then switch to Purina One...
    General Dog Discussions : Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed?...

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    • Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed?

      Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy plays, runs and is very active.. my problem is the amount of feaces he passes at one time. I is a lot and very soft. I change his feed twice already and gets the same result. Any solution?? I feed him Canil then switch to Purina One

      Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed?

      Is my puppy sick or is it the type of feed? General Dog Discussions
    • Pick a food and leave it. The more you change it, the worse he'll get. Something initially probably upset his tummy, and if you change it around a lot, he'll never get used to it and he could get full blown diarrhea. And be sure it's for puppies. Purina One should be good, never heard of Canil...(We use Beneful here).Try giving him some canned, unseasoned pumpkin. About a tablespoon or so before every feeding. If this doesn't help within 48 hours, you need to see a vet. Don't feed him any people food or milk. Just saying in case. =) EDIT* Figured I should explain about the pumpkin uses, I forget sometimes not everyone knows what it does. Pumpkin is used to right the digestive system. It can settle an upset stomach and get rid of diarrhea and constipation. It also wont harm your puppy. It's used on many animals with a blockage, upset stomach or problems going, so it's safe for your puppy. You can find it in the pet food isle in some stores too. lolOh yeah, it would help to know how big the puppy is and what type of dog, and how much you feed it and how often.You can also try feeding him in an elevated dish. A lot of people think it's silly, but it DOES help them digest food properly and lessens the chances of them getting an upset tummy for some reason. We had a dog that would get sick after every meal(He'd throw up and he pooped a whole lot, nothing runny though) until we got an elevated bowl and put him on Beneful(It's not the highest quality food, but it's good none the less). Beneful can be good for dogs with more sensitive systems, or you can try really high quality foods and see if that helps.

    • Don't keep changing his food as this will not help. it may be the case that your dog just sheds alot of fur. regular brushing and generally basic grooming is all that you need to keep it under control. if you are that concerned visit a vet

    • Purina One is a VERY low grade food, essentially it is crap. People who have zero knowledge on pet nutrition, sadly, feed their dogs this thinking it's a good food. Pick one good quality food and stick to it. Good food will ensure your dog lives a healthy long life. Healthy life = less vet visits = less money spent at vet. Totally worth spending a little more money on good food. Here is a website I suggest to look up food ratings: I suggest Blue Buffalo, it can be bought at Petsmart or Petco, has awesome ingredients, and it fairly priced. Here is my suggestion: grade foods make dogs poop less although this may take a couple weeks to set in. They use all the food up and don't poop out the fillers that fill low grade food. High quality food makes coats shiny and soft as well.