My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas?

His other eye is normal and he seems to see just fine out of the discolored eye, but I am concerned.Vet did say it was normal - a lot of dogs share this trait, we just don't commonly see the whites of their eyes. The fact that I can see the white of his…

    My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas?

    His other eye is normal and he seems to see just fine out of the discolored eye, but I am concerned.Vet did say it was normal - a lot of dogs share this trait, we just don't commonly see the whites of their eyes. The fact that I can see the white of his…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas?...

    • My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas?

      My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas? General Dog Discussions
      His other eye is normal and he seems to see just fine out of the discolored eye, but I am concerned.Vet did say it was normal - a lot of dogs share this trait, we just don't commonly see the whites of their eyes. The fact that I can see the white of his other eye just makes it a little more obvious.

      My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas?

      My 5 mo old Shih Tzu puppy eye is brown where it should be white. Any ideas? General Dog Discussions