Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy?

My cousin is bring her puppy friday and he is all vaccinated and stuff but my puppy only got his 1st shots is it ok if they play an nothing will be wrong with my puppy?

    Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy?

    My cousin is bring her puppy friday and he is all vaccinated and stuff but my puppy only got his 1st shots is it ok if they play an nothing will be wrong with my puppy?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy?...

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    • Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy?

      Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy? General Dog Discussions
      My cousin is bring her puppy friday and he is all vaccinated and stuff but my puppy only got his 1st shots is it ok if they play an nothing will be wrong with my puppy?

      Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy?

      Can a puppy get sick if playing with a vaccinted puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Until your puppy is fully vaccinated, he shouldn't be around other dogs or be taken off your property. Puppies immune systems are not developed and they are very susceptible to all sorts of nasty germs and bacteria and viruses.Wait until he's had all his vaccines for play dates.ADD: If other dog's have been vaccinated for certain diseases (especially Parvo), they can be free of the disease itself, but still carry the virus on their body and transmit it to your puppy. Parvo, especially, is highly contagious and can be carried on your shoes and clothing, the shoes and clothing of others and OTHER DOGS - don't have your puppy around other dogs whether they are vaccinated or not. What's important is that you dog be fully vaccinated - then he can associate with other dogs.