How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks?

I just got a Shnoodle puppy (about 12 weeks old), and she's adorable. But she's kinda shy, and every time I try to walk her, I end up having to pull the leash and she doesn't want to move!! How can I get her to actually walk on walks? She's too scared to…

    How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks?

    I just got a Shnoodle puppy (about 12 weeks old), and she's adorable. But she's kinda shy, and every time I try to walk her, I end up having to pull the leash and she doesn't want to move!! How can I get her to actually walk on walks? She's too scared to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks?...

    • How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks?

      How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a Shnoodle puppy (about 12 weeks old), and she's adorable. But she's kinda shy, and every time I try to walk her, I end up having to pull the leash and she doesn't want to move!! How can I get her to actually walk on walks? She's too scared to do anything!!!

      How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks?

      How can I get my puppy to actually walk on walks? General Dog Discussions
    • you have asked a lot of questions about this Shnoodle puppy. i think you should of done a lot more research then you did. Buying a dog is a life commitment. And your in for a ride if you didn't do the required research. I have 6 dogs currently. And they are all different. She is probably scared becase you just got her. She doesn't know her surronding. has she got all of her shots yet? if not DONT take her on a walk. because she could get viruses like parvo. If she has then take a toy that she really likes or treats on the walk and reward her on the walk. good lucck with your new dog

    • Some puppies are just like that.To get her to walk with a leash, try it out in the house. let her walk around the house, or at least right around you, with the leash attached to her collar. The next step, after a few days, is to gently pull on the leash while you play with her.It will take a few days to a week or so before she realizes that you aren't out to hurt her. Be playful and loving and she'll learn quicker. Don't force her or take too long at each session. She will learn at her own rate. Do it right and you won't have any problems after that. What you'll have is a dog that will be willing to try something new.Good luck.

    • Well your puppy sounds kind of young. You should just wait until she gets a little older. It is normal for little pups to be scared at first. Every once in a while, introduce your dog to new things as it gets older, like taking walks. I hope this helps :)

    • You have a combo of a couple of smart breeds so you should have no problem training her.Attach a lead and simply let her drag is around a while. When she doesn't seem to notice it's on her, put some yummy treats in your pocket, pick up the end of the leash, and simply call her to you showing her the treat. Now, stand up and back up a bit showing her the treat again. Treat her and turn around and walk away from her, with the treat held behind your back so she sees it. Once she is moving toward you take a few more steps, then stop, turn around and treat her again. Once she associates good things with being on a leash, she will happily walk with you. Dogs read our body language so well that it is extremely important that you always show her a smiling face, not a frowning face (poopy face in training language). If you're happy, she will be too.Here are a couple of good training sites, with positive methods, not Cesars methods;http://www.dogtrainingbasics.com