What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work?

I have a 6 month old pit bull puppy. He is wonderful! However, I feel so bad when I have to go to work from 6am to 3pm. He usually stays outside in the backyard while I'm gone. I got him a kong to play with and I put treats in before I leave. However, I…

    What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work?

    I have a 6 month old pit bull puppy. He is wonderful! However, I feel so bad when I have to go to work from 6am to 3pm. He usually stays outside in the backyard while I'm gone. I got him a kong to play with and I put treats in before I leave. However, I…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work?...

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    • What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work?

      What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 6 month old pit bull puppy. He is wonderful! However, I feel so bad when I have to go to work from 6am to 3pm. He usually stays outside in the backyard while I'm gone. I got him a kong to play with and I put treats in before I leave. However, I don't think this keeps him occupied for more than a few minutes. He is also a super chewer! He destroys all toys besides the kongs so far. Right now I cannot get another dog for him to play with so I need a way to keep him entertained so he will not bark and dig.

      What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work?

      What is the best way to entertain a super chewer puppy outside while you are gone for work? General Dog Discussions