How much rice should i feed my puppy?

I got my puppies feces tested today because she has has diarrhea the past few days. The vet said there is no sign of parasite or worms to cause the diarrhea so the vet said to try some white rice. She didn't say how much though. So I am wondering how…

    How much rice should i feed my puppy?

    I got my puppies feces tested today because she has has diarrhea the past few days. The vet said there is no sign of parasite or worms to cause the diarrhea so the vet said to try some white rice. She didn't say how much though. So I am wondering how…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much rice should i feed my puppy?...

    • How much rice should i feed my puppy?

      How much rice should i feed my puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I got my puppies feces tested today because she has has diarrhea the past few days. The vet said there is no sign of parasite or worms to cause the diarrhea so the vet said to try some white rice. She didn't say how much though. So I am wondering how much I should give my 11 week old puppy and if I should mix it with some of her food and for how long should I give her the white rice? I have her on blue buffalo puppy food.

      How much rice should i feed my puppy?

      How much rice should i feed my puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • If you measure how much you feed her (which you should if you don't >.>), then just replace some of the normal food with some rice. Or, if you give her any treats at all replace the treats with some rice. My dog has had the same issue, and my family over feeds him so he's never on a regular feeding schedule, thus he gets lots of upset stomachs, and we try to replace some of the food with rice rather than adding more food to his 'diet'.So basically, just replace about 1/4 of the amount of food you normally give her with the rice. I don't think it really makes a difference if you mix it with the food or not.

    • No dog food. Rice with boiled chicken breast is a good thing to try.Start with just a small amount. The amount depends on how big the dog is and how well the dog is eating.You are just trying to give the dog something bland and easy on its stomach.I would feed nothing but rice and boiled chicken for a couple of days. If the diarrhea is better, then continue to feed chicken and rice but feed less chicken & rice and start to add in some of the puppy food. Do this transistion over a day or two.If the diarrhea continues to be a problem I would go back to the vet. With a puppy this young, diarrhea can be a more serious problem than with a grown dog.