I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal?

I have given my puppies a little mushed up biscuit (proper puppy biscuit) mixed with lacol powder to make a paste. They did well but 1 started shaking a little after. Should i be worried?

    I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal?

    I have given my puppies a little mushed up biscuit (proper puppy biscuit) mixed with lacol powder to make a paste. They did well but 1 started shaking a little after. Should i be worried?...
    General Dog Discussions : I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal?...

    • I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal?

      I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal? General Dog Discussions
      I have given my puppies a little mushed up biscuit (proper puppy biscuit) mixed with lacol powder to make a paste. They did well but 1 started shaking a little after. Should i be worried?

      I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal?

      I am weaning my puppies &1 of them is shaking a little after there 1st meal? General Dog Discussions
    • Need a lot more info than thatWhat is lacol powder ? .. found nothing on it when I googled itHow old are the pups?Why are you giving them biscuits? mushed or otherwise?ADD::::I read your question from 4 days ago http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…You do not have the Dam and the pups are only now 21 days old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH do you have pups when you have no idea what you are doing?You obviously have absolutely no experience at rearing pups and should under no circumstances have taken in any pups, let alone neonates.You don't wean 21 day old pups !The pups need to be with the Dam to nurse or someone with knowledge needs to bottle, syringe or tube feed the pups supplemental puppy formula, do not try it yourself or you could drown them!Surrender the pups to a shelter, humane society or rescue organization where people who know what they are doing will properly care for them. If they stay with you they will die !Pups should not be given solid food yet and certainly not a paste of puppy biscuits !Should you be worried ? Yes definitely, you have no idea what you are doing and the one that will die because of it is the pups.Take them to a vet for wellness exams and then surrender the pups as mentioned above !