How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting?

Hi there,We have two male unrelated sixth month old puppies. One of them we have had since he was weeks old, he was a rescue who we hand reared who has now flourished into a beautiful dog. The other we acquired when he was roughly 14 weeks old. We never…

    How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting?

    Hi there,We have two male unrelated sixth month old puppies. One of them we have had since he was weeks old, he was a rescue who we hand reared who has now flourished into a beautiful dog. The other we acquired when he was roughly 14 weeks old. We never…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting?...

    • How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting?

      How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting? General Dog Discussions
      Hi there,We have two male unrelated sixth month old puppies. One of them we have had since he was weeks old, he was a rescue who we hand reared who has now flourished into a beautiful dog. The other we acquired when he was roughly 14 weeks old. We never intended on keeping him, but we have the time and space and just fell in love with his adorable ways. They are both very happy and healthy young dogs. Now we used to have 2 female dogs, who got on famously and grew old together. But all these 2 seem to do is fight. I know puppies fight, but this is none stop. They sleep I separate crates and the moment you open the doors they're on each other. Now most of the time the tails are wagging and it seems harmless enough, but sometimes they get rough and one of them cries out which is when we split them up. One of the pups has a slight size advantage because he's a lot more bulky and rounded, whereas the other is slender. I'd hate to see either of them get hurt.My question is, how can we stop them fighting constantly? If we separate them it seems to just get them more riled up for next time. I know fighting is healthy for a puppy, but surely not all the time constantly? We end up having to put them in their crate just so they can have a nap because they tire each other out with the non-stop fighting. Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

      How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting?

      How can get I get my two 6 month old puppies to stop fighting? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to stop it before it starts. They can play but don't let the play get too rough. Rough play can turn into something more. Don't let them be together if there isn't someone there to supervise. These two need to be watched constantly. They CAN learn to coexist but it will take a lot of time and patience from your family. Taking them to a puppy/obedience class won't hurt either. Don't go to a Petsmart or Petco but find an ACTUAL trainer. They are often cheaper and much more knowledgeable. Two of you will have to go so that someone can focus on each pup. These guys sound like they need some manners.

    • If your dogs are not actually drawing blood, and really hurting each other other than a yelp every now and then, chances are they are playing, and not fighting. To keep them from playing so hard, you should try exercising them more. Most veterinarians, technicians, and behavior specialists recommend all dogs and puppies to be walked for at least 20 minutes three times daily to keep them healthy, and happy.Right now they are young, and they are still trying to figure out their place (who is more alpha). However, they might continue to play like this well into adult hood.You can also try to make sure they have plenty of toys around to play with. Kongs and other smart toys are ideal to help keep puppies from getting board. If you go to your pet store, they should be able to point you in the right direction.

    • its just a dog thing it is better they play fight know (for dominence) then a real fight when they are older puppies fight all the time when the cry it is ok if they dont the other puppy will not learn that he can play this rought with out hurting him and if he gose past there it hurts they are like kids all the do is wrestle its nothing to be conserned with