My dog has something wrong with his paw?

I took my labrador for a long walk today in quite a muddy place with a lot of plant life. His paw seemed fine, he wasn't limping or anything. We got home and he started acting a bit weird. He started rapidly licking it and kept laying down and then…

    My dog has something wrong with his paw?

    I took my labrador for a long walk today in quite a muddy place with a lot of plant life. His paw seemed fine, he wasn't limping or anything. We got home and he started acting a bit weird. He started rapidly licking it and kept laying down and then…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has something wrong with his paw?...

    • My dog has something wrong with his paw?

      My dog has something wrong with his paw? General Dog Discussions
      I took my labrador for a long walk today in quite a muddy place with a lot of plant life. His paw seemed fine, he wasn't limping or anything. We got home and he started acting a bit weird. He started rapidly licking it and kept laying down and then getting up and started walking fast in circles and sitting back down again. Like he can't settle. I tried to look at his paw when he paused between licking and I think there maybe something in the web of his paw but im not sure because he kinda of nibbles me when I try to touch it.Please help me, I don't know what to do, this isn't like him at all.

      My dog has something wrong with his paw?

      My dog has something wrong with his paw? General Dog Discussions
    • Hey!Check his paw thoroughly, he may just have something lodged in it, or may he might have gotten stung by something since there was lots of plants. If you don't see anything, give it until tomorrow and if it's still not better I suggest taking him to a vet. XHope he'll be alright!XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX