do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

If there is nothing medically wrong with your pet, weather it is a cat, dog, horse, bird, fish etc.Do you think every animal should be able to experience having a baby (saying baby, as there are many names for offspring of animals).Just to add, i have…

    do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

    If there is nothing medically wrong with your pet, weather it is a cat, dog, horse, bird, fish etc.Do you think every animal should be able to experience having a baby (saying baby, as there are many names for offspring of animals).Just to add, i have…...
    General Dog Discussions : do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?...

    • I think that any responsible pet owner wouldn't want to use 'She needs to have one litter.' as an excuse to not get her pet spayed. That would give her possibly six kittens and of those six, let's say half are girls (it is usually more females than males), now those kittens find homes and their owners believe the same as you. They are still producing offspring and who knows what happens to them. There are enough feral cats around without using this as an excuse to not have your animal sterilized.GOOD ON YOU, for being a responsible pet owner!

    • I think that's a silly idea. Animals aren't like people... Once you spay/neuter them they don't think about the kids they could have or would have had.. People might wish that they had kids or would wonder about whether they should have kids.. But dogs and cats do NOT sit around wondering about the kids they would have had.. No it is not unfair to spay and neuter.. It us unfair to leave your pets intact and put their lives at risk.

    • No, I don't. It's called anthrophomorphism. Dogs are not people, they don't feel an emotional "need" for parenthood, it's strictly hormone driven.Once the hormones are removed, they don't know (or care) what they are missing. They don't talk to other dogs and compare notes. They are creatures of the moment.And MANY dogs (like people) DO NOT want to have puppies, have no affinity for them, and don't want to care for them.

    • No, I don't think it is unfair. Animals don't have the desire to reproduce, they have an instinct driving them to do it. You remove the reproductive organs which removes the hormones which removes the instinct. With the instinct gone, they don't feel the need to reproduce and don't miss the fact that they never did. Animals, unlike people, do not have the emotional need for offspring. They run on instinct, not emotion. Not allowing an animal to not have a litter is not cruel, it is responsible.

    • I myself think it is fair because any offspring MUST be taken care of. As in FED as well as VET. THESE both cost money. So unless you are rich then spade or neuter is the way to go and NO it is not cruel. OWNER of FIVE DOG and FOUR CATS ALL whom have been spaded or neutered.

    • If a female rat has a litter of 10 young once a month and 50% of the young are female, these can produce young after 1 month and 50% of them are female.How many rats will there be after 1 year?

    • Being as ovepopulation and unwanted pets is already a problem, I would never not spay my animal. And though I don't doubt that animals love their offspring and care for them deeply, I beleive for them it is more about instinct to repopulate the species.I ahve two female dogs who were both spayed before their first heat, and they seem to enjoy life just fine without ever have had pups. Actually our fist female who was the first dog we got, before we even spayed her we realized she would be a wretched mum. She was fine towards adult dogs, but was amazingly hostile towards pups, even our friends two week old pup. I think it is not only humane towards the mother, but it is for the best as most backyard liters end up with one or more pups eventually in bad conditions or in a humane soceity.