How can we stop my dog chewing his leg?

My dog has a nervous habit - like biting his nails, but he chews his own leg. We're getting quite concerned - we sent him to the kennels for two weks and when we came back it was quite raw, and because he keeps chewing on it, it's not getting better. …

    How can we stop my dog chewing his leg?

    My dog has a nervous habit - like biting his nails, but he chews his own leg. We're getting quite concerned - we sent him to the kennels for two weks and when we came back it was quite raw, and because he keeps chewing on it, it's not getting better. …...
    General Dog Discussions : How can we stop my dog chewing his leg?...

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    • you need to deal with the nervousness before the chewing. try to determine why the dog is nervous or is it an irritation in the leg itself. did it start before or after he was left at the kennel. could be an injury picked up at the kennel. if this was the first time he has been left at a kennel then it was a long time to leave him. he must have thought you were not coming back. the attention you gave him on return due to the leg could cause him to believe that you will not leave him again if he continues. these things need to be checked out by a vet.

    • Ugh, I have sympathy for you. My dalmation does this. I'll give you a list of things we've tried and that that vet has had us try:Bitter apple (he loves the taste)oatmeal/medicated bath shampoo(helps a little but not for long)salves/bag balm (he licks it off but it helps for a few)Wraping with gause and that clingly tape/vetwrap (he chews the wrap off)Cutting a sock so it slides over the leg, soak it in listerine, then vetwrap to leg. (Effective for overnight but the dog likes listerine)E-collar (most effective but I call him cone head dog)Most recently we've switched to a lower protein natural lamb and rice food. No preservatives, no artifical colorings. It's helped a little bit but he still chews. So far the best bet for us has been to put the e-collar on him and to put salve on the wounds til the heal. Normally takes a few months to come back.Best of luck to you!

    • It may not be a nervous habit. Leg biting can sometimes be a sign of full anal glands. Does he scoot along the round on his bum too? If he does then take him to the vet to have his glands emptied.