Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

    Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

    Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???...
    General Dog Discussions : Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???...

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    • Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

      Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex??? General Dog Discussions
      Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

      Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex???

      Where can i buy a chihuahua in Harlow, Essex??? General Dog Discussions
    • Have you thought of considering rescue? Check out petfinder.com - you can put in your location as well as the type of dog you are looking for. So many dogs are killed senselessly simply because people are unaware of where their dogs are coming from. Whatever you do, please do not go to a pet store - these puppies come from puppy mills and backyard breeders where the animals are treated very cruelly. Also, purebreds are much more likely than mixes to have genetic defects. If you are determined to have a purebred, please talk to a veterinarian to get the name of a reputable breeder. Please spay or neuter your pet to help with population control. Also, be sure to thoroughly research the breed of dog you are looking for and make sure it is a right fit for you and your family, as more dogs do not need to end up in shelters to die. I rescued my Jack Russell/rat terrier mix from a kill-shelter and he is incredible. If you save a dog from certain death, they know it and will repay you with love forever. Best of luck to you in your doggy search =).