My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...?

If she has puppies when she is older will they be at risk of inheriting this condition?

    My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...?

    If she has puppies when she is older will they be at risk of inheriting this condition?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...?...

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    • My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...?

      My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...? General Dog Discussions
      If she has puppies when she is older will they be at risk of inheriting this condition?

      My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...?

      My dog has had PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) as a pup, and has had surgery...? General Dog Discussions
    • it is possible that she will pass it on if it is genetic, the best thing you can do is to research the PDA and see if she can pass it on, if she can then i would advise you do not breed from her, i am sorry but i do not know about this so your best bet is to see if you can find out if it is genetic or not, sometimes you need the mum and dad to be a carrier i looked on this web site to find out about the condition and would recomend that if you have one of these dogs then breeding her may not be an option for you, the best thing you can do is to ask your vets advice or a breeder who has the same dog as you, but as a breeder if my girl had a puppy with a heart defect then i would no longer breed her and one of the conditions of sale would be to get the puppy neutered/spayed when they were old enough, there are too many breeds that have inherited disorders and as a responsible breeder you need to find out if this condition is inherited if it is then it would be irrisponsible to breed from your dog as dissapointing as it is you can not breed from a possible carrier, i am not one of the neuter club but in this case i would not take the chance of possible passing this condition to another dog, best of luck with your search.

    • My puppy was just diagnosed with PDA. The vet said he should never be bred, it can be passed onto future generations. Can I ask what the surgery cost? We haven't heard back from the cardiac referral people yet.thanks,D