Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine?

I have a 4 year old EBT. He has to go for a neurological investigation next week. He is experiencing problems with his front legs and the vets think it may be something to do with his spine. Was just wondering if anyone out there had had a similar…

    Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine?

    I have a 4 year old EBT. He has to go for a neurological investigation next week. He is experiencing problems with his front legs and the vets think it may be something to do with his spine. Was just wondering if anyone out there had had a similar…...
    General Dog Discussions : Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine?...

    • Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine?

      Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 4 year old EBT. He has to go for a neurological investigation next week. He is experiencing problems with his front legs and the vets think it may be something to do with his spine. Was just wondering if anyone out there had had a similar experience. Any advice would be appreciated!!

      Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine?

      Problems with English Bull Terrier Spine? General Dog Discussions
    • I have a Rottweiler and he was having trouble with his back legs. Tests were done and he was diagnosed with Hip Displacement and now is on anti-inflammatories and on a strict diet to build up his glucosimine, (thats what keeps the hip bone inside of it's socket).You say the vet thinks it's a problem with his spine. I think it may be a pinched or damaged nerve in the spine...but i'm only guessing, i'm not a vet. Just don't take him on walks, try and keep him comfortable, cosy, and warm.

    • It is a genetic issue with bulldogs called "butterfly" vertebrae or hemivertebrae. Whenever a breed is repeatedly inbred to produce a certain physical look, some genetic defects occur within the breed. Some breeders deny that, but it is true. Purebred dogs are just not as healthy as mixed.This particular problem in the spine is not fixable. Pain control measures can be taken to give the dog a life free of pain as long as possible. Euthanasia is the ultimate outcome when pain control measures fail. If you breed him, you could pass it on to his off spring. Not all would definitely have it, but the chance is there.