Has anyone ever had to put their dog to sleep?

I have had to do that today and both me and my husband are devestated.My dog was 14 years whch is a great age i know but, we both feel so upset, and feel the house is so empty without him around as he was a fantastic dog.We have 2 other dogs, who keep…

    Has anyone ever had to put their dog to sleep?

    I have had to do that today and both me and my husband are devestated.My dog was 14 years whch is a great age i know but, we both feel so upset, and feel the house is so empty without him around as he was a fantastic dog.We have 2 other dogs, who keep…...
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone ever had to put their dog to sleep?...

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    • aOur Alsatian was only 7 years old and suffering with Hip displasia . He could not get up by himself and he was on fish-oil as well as steroids. We tried to keep him going for as long as we could but when he started crying everytime he got up we had to have him sent off to doggy heaven. I am sure your dog/friend/body-guard had a very happy life, knew that he/she was loved and cared for. As long as you know that you did your best by your dog and cared for him/her as well as you could .The pain of losing your friend cause that is how i see my animals is intense but you will always remember him/her and in time you will get another doggy and give them the same treatment. You never forget those you love and cared for. The pain will recede.:)))

    • I had to have my 7 year old GSD put to sleep after she lost all use of her llower back, legs and tail. I also had another dog at the time (who was poisoned by our neighbour in 2001) who i gave all my attention to after that as like other answerers have said looked to the leader of the 'pack' for strength. I am very sorry to hear of your loss and wish you and other members of the household all the very best in coping with this terrible loss. Only time will help you to grieve and come to terms with this.

    • hello and sorry to here about your loss myself and my mum had a friend (Yorkshire terrier) die on us on 1st September after 15 years he died in my mums arms and as i don't live at home any more my mum had phoned me to tell me he wasn't well could i come home to take him to the vets my mum said his breathing had got really bad but he stayed alive till i got there and he took his last breath just as i got holed of him to me it was like he new i was coming and he held on just to say goodbye once again sorry about your loss we still haven't got over him ,, hope you are all OK ,,"B"

    • It is the most horrid feeling, I grew up with my dog and at 16 she had a massive fit, the vet came round and gave me the choice I decided it was best to have her put down as what if no one was there when she had another, I held her as the vet stopped her pain with those big brown eyes looking up at me, I know she has gone to a better place and who can say she isn't still somehow following me where I ever I go. Time is the healer and I feel your pain , they are one of the family. Fuss over the others and show them all is not lost and you still care deeply for them.

    • my dog, cleo, cross staff, ive had her since i was 16, i had to have her put to sleep in june. it still hurts me to think about her, she had been a very unsettled dog for about 2 years prior to her being put to sleep. she would only eat smal bits of her meals and nibble at her treats, she whined constantly from the moment she got up till the momont she went to bed.i eventually gave in to myself and took her to see a vet, i found out she had a massive tumour in her stomach, the reason she wasnt eating her food was because she couldnt fit it anywhere and it hurt her to try eat. how awful do i feel knowing i kept my dog for so long not wanting to take her to the vet cos i knew she woulnt be coming back home with me.i was with her whilst she was being put to sleep, it wasnt a nice thing to do but it was great to know that she was no longer in pain, but i am in pain now thats she's gone x