Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

I most certainly think that is one of the most disgusting things the human race is cable of and it should be banded! Who agrees?

    Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

    I most certainly think that is one of the most disgusting things the human race is cable of and it should be banded! Who agrees?...
    General Dog Discussions : Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?...

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    • O_O thats HORRIBLE and INHUMANE who wud do that if the dog good like it cud move around, doesn't have joint problems, cud run and jog still to get exercise. thats that that that thas.......... sowi gotta go to mad right now >=(

    • I do. I also think it's wrong to put a dog down because the person responsible for the dog did not know how to train properly. It is also wrong to put a dog down because you bought a new couch. Or because you don't want to spend money at the vet. Unless a dog has been mistreated to the point it turns vicious there is not a good reason to put down a healthy dog.

    • Of course it is. But in truth, I don't think this happens very often. Vets don't willingly like (or will) to put a 'healthy dog' down. Talking about somebody's pet here, nothing to do with overpopulation of a Rescue Centre.I would say that it's all too easy to point fingers without knowing the true story behind every situation. The only person who truly knows their dog is his owner. A vet can assess an elderly dog and give his opinion, but he's not living with this dog 24/7. Some dogs rise to the occasion and for sure, sometimes, just like humans, dogs do have their up days, and their down days. The time comes to make the sad decision when their down days outnumber their up days and this is up to their owner and nobody else.I've had to pts every one of my hounds - I always think they are going to simply go to sleep in their beds and I'll come down next morning and find they've gone. But I'm still waiting for the day that happens! And until that time comes, I will continue to help them over the final hurdle, with the dignity they deserve. I think I've got the timing right each time, but of course, when you have to make this decision, there is always a small lingering question as to whether it was 'the right time'.

    • I had a neighbor that made an agreement, with his fiancee, now wife, to "put his dogs down" when they reached 8 years old!It made me sick and I still can not stand the sight of his wife!To make matters worse- they called the Humane Society on me because my old lady cat (20 years old) looked so bad in her last year-thin, lost her fur and vision got bad. Luckily the Humane Society came and saw that she was well cared for and loved and they didn't take her from me! She had been to the vet and he said that she was not in any pain and to let her happily live out her life, which we did- I think! because one day she just "disappeared". I still wonder if they didn't take matters into they're own hands and it saddens me... So yes- I think it is wrong!

    • i do,i'm not against putting dogs to sleep,i think dangerous dogs (this includes to people and other dogs) should be put to sleep if other alternatives don't work. But being old is not an excuse,it is wrong!