Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it?

Let me clarify a bit, you know when you break the egg with your thumbs you get a lot of crumbs of chocolate in the egg? Well he ate all of that too, I just thought that it might have been the difference between my precious dog's life and death.

    Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it?

    Let me clarify a bit, you know when you break the egg with your thumbs you get a lot of crumbs of chocolate in the egg? Well he ate all of that too, I just thought that it might have been the difference between my precious dog's life and death....
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it?...

    • Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it?

      Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it? General Dog Discussions
      Let me clarify a bit, you know when you break the egg with your thumbs you get a lot of crumbs of chocolate in the egg? Well he ate all of that too, I just thought that it might have been the difference between my precious dog's life and death.

      Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it?

      Will my dog eating half of a cadbury's chocolate egg kill it? General Dog Discussions
    • No - eating 20 chocolate eggs would probably not kill it - there are to many questions like 'Oh no, my dog ate half a freddo frog - will it die, please help, I am so scared for my baby' Well, duhhh, read other peoples q's and find out for yourself!

    • It might not kill your dog or send it into kidney failure, but depending on the size of the dog and how it reacts to chocolate, you always have the option of trying to get your dog to throw up.

    • Dogs are intolerant to chocolate and it is not good for them at all. I would not recommend giving your dog any chocolate at all.You can get perfectly good dog chocolate from the pet store. If however your dog eats some chocolate by accident then don't despair. Keep a close eye on it, watch for signs of lethargy, vomiting, not wanting to eat or drink and unusual behaviour. Take your dog straight to the vet if you are concerned about anything. A tiny bit of chocolate will not kill a dog but a bigger amount can if your not careful. Keep all chocolate out of your dogs reach so there never an accident.

    • No amount of chocolate is good, but this link should give you an idea for future reference whether a trip to the vet is necessary:http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/10/pets/chocolate-chart-interactiveETA: If in doubt - go to the vet. Better that a vet gets 10 calls from people that didn't need it, than one dog die or suffer ill health because it needed a vet & wasn't taken there.