how can i make my dog stop jumping on me and visitors?

she is a lab mix....9 mos. old....she is getting big and she is starting to hurt people...i really need some advice...

    how can i make my dog stop jumping on me and visitors?

    she is a lab mix....9 mos. old....she is getting big and she is starting to hurt people...i really need some advice......
    General Dog Discussions : how can i make my dog stop jumping on me and visitors?...

    • I agree with the whole knee thing. i have had two boxers. the first one was very obedient. never had that problem with him. the second on the other hand used to jump on me and everyone else. to be understanding, i knew that he only craved attention. that was his way. however, it was not good for people especially kids. as a natural reaction i would stick out my knee and nudge him in the chest and tell him to get down. it took some time but he eventually got the message. now, when i ask him for a hug he will prop himself up on two legs and put is front legs around me. he has come a long way...good dog.

    • best way I found with ours was to ignore her, turn your back if you must (if her paws hurt you) , dont make a fuss of her, when she does something you approve of reward her and lots of praise. She's a young pooch she'll learn quickly.

    • you must ignore her when she jumps...turn your back on her. Tell your visitors to do the same. She must not get any attention when she is bad, but plenty of praise when she sits. It really works if you stay consistant and firm. I had a lab and they are excitable, but very trainable.

    • I have just finished training classes and we were advised to tie the dog up and then walk towards them, stopping just out of reach of your dog. He will now be jumping about and trying his best to get to you. Ignore him, the minute he is calm, does not have to be sitting, just calm, praise him and then greet him. Stand out of reach every time he tries to jump up and wait til he is calm again. I did this once a day for three days and now have no problem with my puppy who is 5mths.