My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand?

I'm really freaking out!I took my dog for a walk, and he was a little jumpy. An I think he scratched my hand. I didn't feel anything at all then. But now I've noticed that I have two lumps on my hand and wrist. The one on my hand is not so bad, but I can…

    My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand?

    I'm really freaking out!I took my dog for a walk, and he was a little jumpy. An I think he scratched my hand. I didn't feel anything at all then. But now I've noticed that I have two lumps on my hand and wrist. The one on my hand is not so bad, but I can…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand?...

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    • My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand?

      My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand? General Dog Discussions
      I'm really freaking out!I took my dog for a walk, and he was a little jumpy. An I think he scratched my hand. I didn't feel anything at all then. But now I've noticed that I have two lumps on my hand and wrist. The one on my hand is not so bad, but I can see and feel it. But the one on my wrist is a little red on the outside. And very large (not leather as in MASSIVE but it's quite big)I'm really scared and I don't wanna go to the doctors or tell my parents. Because they will get mad at the dog and go over the top. I've read online that I may be allergic to dander or saliva. And it said to wash it with warm water and soap. But I've done that and it didn't work. I really need help!

      My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand?

      My dog bit me and now I have lumps on my hand? General Dog Discussions
    • You have an allergy. If he bit you then it is probably due to his saliva. Allergy medicine and cortisone(or is it cortisal cream) can make them subside Now if it is an open wound then you need a doctor ASAP. You don't want that infection. Trust me. The dog will not get in trouble. My dog bit me going for a ball and it got infected. My dog was not blamed at all. As long as you have his rabies vaccination then you are good to go.

    • My dog has bit me before properly so I have scars on my arms so I hate wearing t shirts on. When he bit me I had really bad wounds and I was bleeding like he'll but I've still got him now and were best buds so I didn't wanna get him put down. When he bit me my mom put some disinfectant stuff on it to clean my wounds so they wouldn't get infected but I still had to go doctors the next day to get it checked out and bandaged. It's been about 4 years now and I've been scarred for life with an unappealing arm :(So what I'm trying to say is your dog bite doesn't sound as bad as mine was so I don't think it's that bad. I honestly think it's best to go to the doctors maybe on your own just book an appointment and don't worry they can't tell your parents as it's confidential information as what you say to he doctor doesn't leave the room as they have to respect your needs. Just clean it everyday with soap and water and put aloe Vera gel on it to calm the redness and bumps. If it doesn't go away in a couple days I suggest going to the doctors is your best bet. You also said you might be allergic to your dogs saliva but has your dog ever licked you before and have you got a reaction from it? if not then it's gotta have something to do with being bitten.Good luck and I hope you find your solution. :)-Sarah