Can you give male rats this dog food?

My dog is being fed James wellbeloved rice and fish adult, so I was wondering if I could give it to my rats.

    Can you give male rats this dog food?

    My dog is being fed James wellbeloved rice and fish adult, so I was wondering if I could give it to my rats....
    General Dog Discussions : Can you give male rats this dog food?...

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    • Can you give male rats this dog food?

      Can you give male rats this dog food? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is being fed James wellbeloved rice and fish adult, so I was wondering if I could give it to my rats.

      Can you give male rats this dog food?

      Can you give male rats this dog food? General Dog Discussions
    • rats arent that picky so as long as theres not many artificial ingredients he should be fine. but just to be sure i havent got any rat-blood on my hands if your rat cant handle it, dont place the blame on me if such an event happens. but like i said, rats are scavengers. they have a taste pallete as wide as a goats, and theyll eat the barb wire fence that encloses them!

    • Food is designed for different animals. Rat food is for rats, dog food is for dogs. Because dogs are bigger they will require more nutrients and all those goody stuff. Giving a rat this lump of food straight away may be a little too much and too fast for the guy.Try splitting the food up into small pieces and adding it to his diet. After a while he'll get used to it and you will be able to give the little pieces to the rat without putting it in his normal food. Don't give him too much as it might give him an upset tummy.