Anal gland problem with dogs - can anyone recommend something to add to dry dog food to help with stools?

My Weimaraner is often emptying her anal glands indoors, normally when she is asleep. She has no infection or distress. She is on a good dry dog food, but her stools are quite loose. I have heard that making the stools harder would be good for this…

    Anal gland problem with dogs - can anyone recommend something to add to dry dog food to help with stools?

    My Weimaraner is often emptying her anal glands indoors, normally when she is asleep. She has no infection or distress. She is on a good dry dog food, but her stools are quite loose. I have heard that making the stools harder would be good for this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Anal gland problem with dogs - can anyone recommend something to add to dry dog food to help with stools?...

    • Hi, i had trouble with my dog going and her bum swelled up like a baboon , the vet sorted the glands but i was told to put those fine bran flakes you get from health shops and i have never had trouble again.