My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

I have tried lots and lots of dog food, moist and dry but he goes off it after a day and won't eat it again. I do not give him scaps apart from the occasional carrot as a treat, what do I do?

    My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

    I have tried lots and lots of dog food, moist and dry but he goes off it after a day and won't eat it again. I do not give him scaps apart from the occasional carrot as a treat, what do I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?...

    • 1st of all i would take your dog to the vets and just check there is nothing wrong.Once your dog has the al clear i would then look at which food yur dog seems to enjoy most, and stick to it.I would put the food down and if the dog does not eat it in a set amount of time, i would take the food bowl off the dog, if the dog thinks it has food sat around all day it will just eat as and when and prob not bother!then re put the food bowl down at a later time and see if the dogs eats then

    • my dog is very much the same. i have started putting pineapple crush on her food and she devours it. i hope u find something to get your dog to eat. good luck

    • Put his meal down, then if he shows no interest after two minutes, pick it up and let him see you dump it in the bin. Wait until the next day and do likewise.Don't give him anything else to eat. If on the third day he walks away from his meal. Take him to the vet. On the other hand I have heard it siad that if a dog knows that the contents of his meal disagree with him he will refuse to eat it. Look up grain free dog food on the Internet, perhaps like many dogs he knows that grain upsets him.

    • i had this problem then i changed to burns dog food the trick is to feed small amounts often cause burns is natural it fills them up more if hes having small bits its something my vet also said my dog will eat when he ready if he doesnt eat for a day its ok go to burns google burns pet food and they will help you they even have a vet who can talk to you hope this helps

    • Don't speed all your money on dog food buy some and give it to him/her and if he/she will not eat it just leave it there and when he/she gets hunger he/she will eat it and if that doesn't work then take him/her to the vet he/she may have a tummy thing going on or something like worms

    • because your dog wont eat for days do sent mean he hates dog food or isn't healthy my dog was the same and sometimes still is after trying lots of diff rent things most of what people have suggested above what seems to have worked for my dog we changed his bowl to a flat plate the daily amount half ed to twice a day my dog is medium to large and very active last vet visit he had a clean bill of health the simple advice sometimes works the best

    • Have you tried oscar pet food? They come to your house & give free tasters to your dog. They deliver it free & it doesn't have any of the nasty additives & meat deritives that all the other dog food has. My dog was like yours never ate for days even though i'd added gravy to it. I add to oscars food either tuna in brine, pilchards in tomato sauce, sardines, chicken & it's juices to my dogs. The food is only there a few minutes as my dog loves it.

    • that is very frustrating...I'd get a good quality food...doesn't have to be expensive (e.g James Wellbeloved) and put a bowl down for about half an hour. If your dog hasn't eaten, take it away...give your dogs nothing until evening time and again put the bowl down for half an worked with my reluctant eater...Also keep in mind, a dog can easily go without for two days but make sure he drinks waterRing your Vet if it persist...What I found good as well, was to keep note of when he is eating...soemtimes I thought my dog hasn't eaten in days when actually he had a day ago, but skipped the evening meal.

    • My dog did this at one time. i changed to different foods and eventually i tried forthglade lifestage diet (natural ingredients-chicken,rice, veg- and nice smelling to dog). He now eats this every day and has put on some weight too.I dont recommend raw as your dog can catch salmonella or campylobacter.