Would you move your dogs food while they were eating?

For example, you realise there is something you need out the cupboard behind themWould you move the dogs food bowl while eating or wait until they have finished?

    Would you move your dogs food while they were eating?

    For example, you realise there is something you need out the cupboard behind themWould you move the dogs food bowl while eating or wait until they have finished?...
    General Dog Discussions : Would you move your dogs food while they were eating?...

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    • If you are afraid to move your dog's food that is your problem.I made a point of getting dogs that do not have that problem, and indeed it is a problem.What would you do with a food aggressive dog that found a poisoned rat? You gonna say, "Oh excuse me, I'll let you finish eating, I don't want to bother your sensibilities." ?You must be able to remove food from a dog, for safety reasons at least, the dog's safety and your safety.

    • I certainly could, none of my dogs would bite me because they know I am the one who gives food and takes it away, I practiced that with them early on.However, I would much prefer to wait until they are finished eating, dogs deserve to eat their food in peace, same as we do.It becomes a problem when you have fearful dogs who don't trust you, a calm dog who knows and trusts you would be fine with your moving their food, but why bother them when they're eating.

    • Move it. Your dog needs to know that the food comes from you and you can take it or give it when you want. It helps establish the 'pecking order' of your household. I always make a habit of telling my dogs to sit and wait until I put the food down and then give them the command to 'get it'. Then about once a week while eating, I tell them to "leave it". It really keeps them from being food aggressive and helps when they are eating something they aren'tt supposed to. Which happens a lot with curious labs!

    • It depends on the dog. With most of my dogs, their food is gone in about two minutes, so by the time I realized I needed to move it, it would already be gone. :o)But I also have a couple of slow eaters, and I would move their food if I needed to.

    • Yes, you should be able to move your dog's food at any time. Dogs should be taught their place in the household hierarchy -- at the bottom. In order to prevent resource guarding and possessive behavior, dogs should be taught at an early age, and reminded daily, their place in the pack. In order to establish and maintain household harmony, you must be the pack leader for your unruly canine. As a good pack leader, you need to be firm, fair and consistent in all your interactions with your dog. If you don’t step up to the plate as pack leader, your dog will try to fill the void.

    • I do ... regularly. My pooch is only young so its part of her training. She doesn't guard resources which is how I wanted it, if she is eating to fast (side effect of being a rescue dog with two other dogs in the kennel) I also remove her food for a minute or too and leave it on the table or side where she can see it and then put it back down.

    • if i command leave it they do, food or any other thing,for that matter ,basic being the alpha stuff,one of my lurcher s growled at me over his food, i rawed at him hit him with a new s paper stamped my foot ,at the same time ,the seconed he stoped growling at me i picked his food up then give it back never has he growled at me again ,had to be done as i keep 9 dog s and i must be there boss ,love them all to bit s