Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season?

My bitch has been in season for two weeks. She has bled for one and is now slowing. She seems fine in herself. Usual sleep play and toilet routine. But she usually empties a bowl of the burns puppy dry food daily. It seems she hasnt got much of an…

    Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season?

    My bitch has been in season for two weeks. She has bled for one and is now slowing. She seems fine in herself. Usual sleep play and toilet routine. But she usually empties a bowl of the burns puppy dry food daily. It seems she hasnt got much of an…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season?...

    • Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season?

      Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season? General Dog Discussions
      My bitch has been in season for two weeks. She has bled for one and is now slowing. She seems fine in herself. Usual sleep play and toilet routine. But she usually empties a bowl of the burns puppy dry food daily. It seems she hasnt got much of an appetite the last week. Is this normal?

      Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season?

      Is it normal for a sharpei to go off her food while she is in season? General Dog Discussions
    • Never had this happen with any of my intact b*tches in the last 35 years. BTW, it doesn't matter what breed or mix it is. An intact b*tch is an intact b*tch. In fact, my Doberman is in season right now, and she woofs her food down the same as any other day.

    • Although I have only owned dogs, I happened to be talking with a bitch owner the other day who said the same thing. Her bitch has had two seasons and both times refused to eat or ate very little. So if she is acting normal I wouldn't worry and as long as she is drinking enough but if you notice her slowing down or no energy or,if she stops drinking take her in to the vet. Hope I helped.