how long do you leave your dog alone ?

so, if you don't work you cant pay for your puppy/ his food/ your own food. do you have to have a wealthy partner to own a dog so you can stay home and look after it? is it more politically correct to not work for the sake of a dog than for children?

    how long do you leave your dog alone ?

    so, if you don't work you cant pay for your puppy/ his food/ your own food. do you have to have a wealthy partner to own a dog so you can stay home and look after it? is it more politically correct to not work for the sake of a dog than for children?...
    General Dog Discussions : how long do you leave your dog alone ?...

    • how long do you leave your dog alone ?

      how long do you leave your dog alone ? General Dog Discussions
      so, if you don't work you cant pay for your puppy/ his food/ your own food. do you have to have a wealthy partner to own a dog so you can stay home and look after it? is it more politically correct to not work for the sake of a dog than for children?

      how long do you leave your dog alone ?

      how long do you leave your dog alone ? General Dog Discussions
    • I leave my dog alone for my 8-10 hour shift at work every day. Some dogs in the wild sleep in dens for over 12 hours. Kennel train your pup, and make sure that when you get home you spend lots of quality time with him/her.

    • that really drives home the problems that prevail in this distorted society and i am so proud for you in teasing out this ongoing problem. keep up the good work my good friend. lol.

    • define alone...I have 3 dogs and 3 cats, so they are never for potty breaks...well, clean-ups are MY problem...I'm gone about 10 hours on an average day, but never overnight.

    • as long as you leave your dog plenty of water,a few toys to play with and dog can leave your dog alone for a working day,also make sure there are shaded areas for him to keep cool

    • Most of the time my dog is with me. In the yard, walking, swimming, working around the house, while watching a live soccer game or softball game. Only when we go shopping or to a party she is by herself either outside when the weather is nice or inside sleeping away on her own blanket. She is a spoiled but beautiful dog part husky, part wolf and part shepherd.

    • How long you can leave your dog alone depends on the dog's training. Not working in order to stay at home w/your dog just doesn't sound realistic to me. It takes time to train a dog. If you have a puppy, I would certainly suggest a crate. If you can come home at lunch to let the dog potty, that would be good. If not, then be patient because puppies tend to go potty often.Depending on your dog, most dogs can make it through the day alone. It helps to leave the TV or radio on for company and toys for them to play with. Give the dog some good quality attention and excercise while you are at home. You are not going to be able to leave the dog (assuming it's an inside dog) for more than 8 hours or so at a time. If you are considering an overnight trip or weekend trip, then you need to check into boarding the dog or seeing if a friend and dogsit for you.Dogs give us their all and sometimes we tend to give them only what is left over of us. That's not very fair, so make sure you consider your lifestyle before getting a dog. Dogs are a great friend... be a great friend to them

    • My dogs are left alone for about 4/5hrs about twice a week if that.I only work part time so its never been a big issue and my dogs are fine,the younger one has to be in the same room as our older dog though while were out,so he knows he's got company.Dogs esp puppys shouldn't be left alone all day for more then 8 hours every day,this is an incredibly boring and sad life for the dog,they are pack animals and require company whether human or animal.People who do leave there dogs alone for lengthly perieds,then wonder why there dog starts chewing,or barking or develeping any other behavioural problem through boredom.The best thing to do if you do work full time is to get a pet sitter or family member/friend to come in during the day,to break your dogs day up,taking it out for a good walk etc,this way your dog doesn't suffer while your out.Never leave a dog in a crate longer then 8hours,the only time they should spend this length of time is at night time

    • dogs are just animals, people have feelings for pets as they are part of the family. me and my parnter both work long hours, average 8 - 12 hrs a day with kids. with us kids come 1st, pets 2nd. my views if u cant look or afford pets dont bother, still need attention like your kids.