how long do you leave your dog alone ?

so, if you don't work you cant pay for your puppy/ his food/ your own food. do you have to have a wealthy partner to own a dog so you can stay home and look after it? is it more politically correct to not work for the sake of a dog than for children?

    how long do you leave your dog alone ?

    so, if you don't work you cant pay for your puppy/ his food/ your own food. do you have to have a wealthy partner to own a dog so you can stay home and look after it? is it more politically correct to not work for the sake of a dog than for children?...
    General Dog Discussions : how long do you leave your dog alone ?...

    • i usually only have to leave my dog up 8 and a half hours a day while i'm at work and 5 days a week. she does fine with that because she has tons of toys to play with and i leave the house warm but not too hot and her plenty of water and a little food.

    • If you are in the UK, then the RSPCA recommend leaving a dog no longer than 4 hours maximum!! I couldn't leave my dogs longer than this I would feel too guilty about it, but the new law states this anyway, so you could get prosecuted if you leave them too long. If you work all day then you must get someone to walk your dog while you are not there! I didn't work until my children were at school and I was always home when they got in from school.

    • I have left my dogs alone for as long as 14 hours in an emergency without a major mess to clean up when I did return.My boys are fine being alone for 10 hrs a day but their needs are provided for even tho I'm not here.There are newspapers on top of plastic on the floor for them to use if the need arises.There are flat sheets spread on the living room carpet in case someone throws up.There's food and water and lots of toys for them to amuse themselves with and evan a few treats hidden around the house for them to find in case the treat balls are empty.They have the run of our house and we evan leave the T.V. or a radio on for them.Before they are left they are taken to the dog park daily regardless of the weather for at least a 45 minute off-leash romp and they are either walked or we have a brisk play session right after we have supper.Then the dogs are brushed and we all go to bed.I have a bigger problem leaving my boys than they have with me being gone.If you're providing for all your dogs needs and insuring it's safety evan when you are not at home then you have no worries.The only difference between a dog and a child is that the dog does'nt need a babysitter when you go somewhere if you've taken the time to teach it right from wrong.

    • I work full time!! Some times my dog comes to work with me and stays in the yard with my mums dogs but alot at the moment with the weather being bad, he stays at home on his own!! I did worry ab it at the start wondering how he would feel! But he has been fine Luckily i do have a very big out house that runs along the side of the house he has a large bowl of water left for him , his lovely warm bed plus a duvet!!!!! And I leave the back door open enough for him to get out the garden when he wants!!! I have no problems, They dont think any less of you and they give you even more attention when you do get home!!!But remember if you are leaving them at home for along time I dont suggest you leave them in doors they need the toilet like we do and if get bored some breeds will wreck the joint out of sheer bordem! Also they will need walking twice a day a walk befor you go to work and when you get home from work! it will help with a routine with them so your not grtting up going out to work and just coming home and thats it!!! They need stimulation. You do need to think of all these things!!! good luck!!!!

    • my dogs at most left 2 hours usually for hospital appts and no i dont have a wealthy partner have long term medical problems to keep my animals the answer is simple i go without and yes i did work when my child was smaller and yes the dog did stay at home then we spent 2 years working together

    • O work Part time and come home for lunch so my dog isnt left long, no more than 2 hours a time. How ever there are the odd ocassions where we go on day trips so he can be left alone for 10 hours. he has always done ok with that but it is very rare that happens anyway.In general dogs can be left alone for about 8 to 10 hours as long as they get walked alot aswell, say before and after. Plenty of toys helps them from getting bored aswell but mostly you will find they sleep anyway lol.