Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions?

This is an 9 week old pug. We rescued her from a home that didn't want her last Saturday.She has been fine for the last Week. Adjusted well in all aspects and up until this morning her stools have been solid. I'm thinking its because she got into cookies…

    Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions?

    This is an 9 week old pug. We rescued her from a home that didn't want her last Saturday.She has been fine for the last Week. Adjusted well in all aspects and up until this morning her stools have been solid. I'm thinking its because she got into cookies…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions?...

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    • Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions?

      Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions? General Dog Discussions
      This is an 9 week old pug. We rescued her from a home that didn't want her last Saturday.She has been fine for the last Week. Adjusted well in all aspects and up until this morning her stools have been solid. I'm thinking its because she got into cookies yesterday. Typically she is removed from the room during meal times and yesterday she figured out a way in a got some cookie crumbs. She has has 4 poops and all of which are runny- no blood. She was dewormed for the first time on the 10th and is due for her second bout on the 20th.Any suggestions? I have removed her food (hard food)

      Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions?

      Puppy with diarrhea? Any suggestions? General Dog Discussions
    • You are right the cookies have probably caused an upset tummy . With an adult dog i would recommend starving it for 24 hours than start feeding a bland diet like boiled chicken the next day then normal diet after that. But with a puppy you shouldn't starve them but you can just fed boiled chicken for the next day or so. Make sure she has access to water at all times as diarrhea can make them dehydrated quickly and puppies being so small can deterate quickly. Don't be suprised is she keeps having diarrhea that she starts has some blood in it as this often happens when puppies and dogs have diarrhea . It is just means the bowel have some irration. Of course if the diarrhea gets worse or she seem to becoming unwell or it hasn't cleaned up in a few days then you should take her to the vets.