Puppy Question joints cracking?

I got a little puppy a while ago he was quite sick when we got him malnurished, dehydrated riddled with fleas and tape worms, we took him to the vet and was given the proper instructions to make him feel better and get him healthy! he has been doing good…

    Puppy Question joints cracking?

    I got a little puppy a while ago he was quite sick when we got him malnurished, dehydrated riddled with fleas and tape worms, we took him to the vet and was given the proper instructions to make him feel better and get him healthy! he has been doing good…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy Question joints cracking?...

    • Puppy Question joints cracking?

      Puppy Question joints cracking? General Dog Discussions
      I got a little puppy a while ago he was quite sick when we got him malnurished, dehydrated riddled with fleas and tape worms, we took him to the vet and was given the proper instructions to make him feel better and get him healthy! he has been doing good no more fleas or worms and acting like a normal puppy getting all the nutrients and water he needs but it sounds like his joints crack when he moves sometimes is this normal for a puppy? mostly after naps this occurs he doesn't complain about it or even seem to notice im just concerned because of his previous problems could dehydration cause something like that? like I said he doesn't seem to be in any pain and movements aren't limited by any means has anyone else seen this in puppies? we don't see the vet again for a bit just hoping I could get some insight into why his joints might be cracking if its even his joints? he's a small breed shitzu/lhapso apso/malteese and only 10 weeks old.. thanks for any help!!

      Puppy Question joints cracking?

      Puppy Question joints cracking? General Dog Discussions