my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural?

i have never had a pregnant dog before. im a bit worried as she has gone off her food and she is vomiting.i dont think she is having contractions i felt ethier side of her tummy i couldnt feel any tightening

    my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural?

    i have never had a pregnant dog before. im a bit worried as she has gone off her food and she is vomiting.i dont think she is having contractions i felt ethier side of her tummy i couldnt feel any tightening...
    General Dog Discussions : my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural?...

    • my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural?

      my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural? General Dog Discussions
      i have never had a pregnant dog before. im a bit worried as she has gone off her food and she is vomiting.i dont think she is having contractions i felt ethier side of her tummy i couldnt feel any tightening

      my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural?

      my staffy is due anyday the last two days she is not herself,vomiting and off her this natural? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to ask the breeding mentor you're working with or your vet. All these are things reputable breeders educate themselves about years before they ever actually breed a litter. If you'd done any of that you'd know why she'd be having a hard time eating right now. You'd also know whether or not she's in labor. Has she even had pre-natal care from the vet? X-rays and ultrasound so you know how many puppies she's carrying so you'll KNOW when she's done whelping? Is your whelping kit ready? The room at the correct temperature for newborns?