My 23week old lab gone of her food?

I have a 23 week old chocolate Labrador and she has recently gone of her food. She has had all her vaccinations and wormed to date. She has always had a big appetite and its only been the past few days she has not finished her food. She's still herself…

    My 23week old lab gone of her food?

    I have a 23 week old chocolate Labrador and she has recently gone of her food. She has had all her vaccinations and wormed to date. She has always had a big appetite and its only been the past few days she has not finished her food. She's still herself…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 23week old lab gone of her food?...

    • My 23week old lab gone of her food?

      My 23week old lab gone of her food? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 23 week old chocolate Labrador and she has recently gone of her food. She has had all her vaccinations and wormed to date. She has always had a big appetite and its only been the past few days she has not finished her food. She's still herself and playful but it just isn't like her not to finish her food!. We feed her Iams puppy food. Any ideas with what's up with her?

      My 23week old lab gone of her food?

      My 23week old lab gone of her food? General Dog Discussions
    • Without any other symptoms it sounds like she is simply going through a slow growth period and doesn't need the amount of food she used to eat. How many times a day are you feeding her?If more than three, cut back the meal she isn't finishing, and if only twice a day, cut back the amount you offer both times. Don't start switching food or adding a lot of treats on top of her meals as this will simply make a fussy eater out of her. Iams puppy food is as good as any other food unless a dog develops food allergies and without any allergic symptoms it sounds like you are doing just fine.If diarrhea or vomiting occurs you will need to call your vet, but if it's merely a backing off of a previously large appetite, that is not a concern at this point.

    • Gone off completely, or just not finishing all you give her. There is a difference. If she's just not finishing all of it, but is otherwise happy and healthy (normal stools, no vomiting, no lethargy) then I'd suggest she's just not needing quite as much food as she did. Some puppies do start to go off their puppy food at which point I tended to put them onto a Junior version of the same brand, if available. Some people even suggest moving to an adult version around 6 months, provided the puppy is doing well.There is also the possibility that she's going to come into season soon, unless she's already been spayed. This can affect appetite, although it's not happened with any of my Bassets - and I don't think a Lab would be very different - all food motivated!!If you are concerned that it's more than this, a check with your vet wouldn't hurt. And if she's not been spayed, now is probably the time to start thinking about getting it done.