17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

The past 3 days my puppy has had diarrhea and on the 3rd day she vomited twice, and has had some blood in her stool. she has still been very playful and eating her food. i feed her wet food mixed with dry everyday. i heard to give her pumkin so i did to…

    17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

    The past 3 days my puppy has had diarrhea and on the 3rd day she vomited twice, and has had some blood in her stool. she has still been very playful and eating her food. i feed her wet food mixed with dry everyday. i heard to give her pumkin so i did to…...
    General Dog Discussions : 17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?...

    • 3 days, whats wrong with you ?........... take her to the vet. probably has a nasty stomach infection and is in a lot of pain. im sure you wouldnt wait 3 days with vomiting and blood in your stool........................

    • Please, get her to the vet as soon as possible! It sounds like Parvo, and it can kill a puppy. But your vet can do a simple test to find the problem. I had a puppy with parvo this summer & had same symptoms. If given IV's and tummy soothing meds along with antibiotics, it should recover very nicely. I also gave my puppy yogurt which helps to sooth the digestive track, plus they like it. Make sure she drinks lots of cool water,,dehydration will kill her faster than anything. Good luck.

    • take her/him to the vets asap dont think its parvo, i think its a bad case of worms i bought a puppy from a breeder ,it died after 1week the vet did a autopsy on her and she was running live with worms they had eaten her stomach she was only 8 weeks old the vet said sufferd a lot so please take it to the vet asap please let me know how you got on we

    • hi, the best thing for dogs like this is boiled chicken and rice. As she has not improved i would now take her to the vets i had the same problem with my 10 week puppy. The vet gave me some paste to give her which will help to dry her up, also some antibiotics 2 x daily. At the end of a week things were getting back to normal. When there is blood involved always seek a vet. Hope everything works out for you both.Have you just wormed her? This sometimes causes this problem, this was the reason why my puppy had this problem, had to change 'wormer'.

    • Why sit at a computer asking how to treat your dog that's passing blood in her stools.This dog needs treatment .Has she had her jabs!!!If not it looks like parvo.Or shes eaten something that obstructing her gut.