17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

The past 3 days my puppy has had diarrhea and on the 3rd day she vomited twice, and has had some blood in her stool. she has still been very playful and eating her food. i feed her wet food mixed with dry everyday. i heard to give her pumkin so i did to…

    17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

    The past 3 days my puppy has had diarrhea and on the 3rd day she vomited twice, and has had some blood in her stool. she has still been very playful and eating her food. i feed her wet food mixed with dry everyday. i heard to give her pumkin so i did to…...
    General Dog Discussions : 17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?...

    • 17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

      17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day? General Dog Discussions
      The past 3 days my puppy has had diarrhea and on the 3rd day she vomited twice, and has had some blood in her stool. she has still been very playful and eating her food. i feed her wet food mixed with dry everyday. i heard to give her pumkin so i did to today. and as of right now it hasn't helped. if someone can please help me for what i can do?

      17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day?

      17 wk. puppy has had diarrhea for the past 3 day? General Dog Discussions
    • she could have puppy parvo take her to the vets immediately! those are signs that its getting worse!!Also put oatmeal in her food to make her stools harder, but get her to the vets there is something seriously wrong if its not parvo then she could have stomach issues

    • Definitely take her to the Vet. She probably has Parvo. First sighs are bloody stool and vomiting, next she will start to get lethargic and loose her appetite, if you don't take her now.. she can die. I just went through this with my dog and I got her to the Vet in time.. good luck, i hope she is OK.

    • YOU NEED TO GET YOUR PUPPY TO THE VET ASAP. If there is runny stool and blood, that is a sign of PARVO and your puppy will possibly die within a few days if it isn't strong enough to fight off the virus. The vet will have to give the puppy shots to fight the virus. Look for dark, smelly stool, foamy around the mouth. They usually will stop eating and drinking and then dehydrate. Look for worms also.If the vet says it is not parvo, then pepto in small amounts will take care of both ends. But the vet will give you something also. If you bought this puppy from a breeder you need to see if they did the puppy shots for parvo. If not and the puppy dies, ask for your money back.

    • she may need antibiotics go to the vet if on antibiotics also ask for probiotics or give plain yogurt this will settle the tummy as antibiotics can irritate the lining of the stomach..then feed her little portions of chicken and rice and boiled water for a few days until her tummy settles...but it is important that a vet sees her first.....

    • VET ASAP DO NOT DELAY.This could be very serious and it would be extremely foolish to wait any longer.. she could die, and at the very least needs a proper rehydration.. GO NOW

    • You must take her to the vet first thing tomorrow morning. Take her papers with her - did you get certificates from the breeder confirming she has had her injections etc. If she hasn't had these then she could get Parvo which can be a killer. I don't want to worry you but I don't want you to think that this isn't a possible serious thing. I view my dogs health as I would a person's - if a human gets a stomach upset you would expect it to last 24 hours and symptoms to improve - If I had sickness like that for more than three days I would see the doctor. The good news is that she is still playful and eating. Dogs with Parvo don't generally behave like this.

    • If it was parvo, your puppy would be dead by now. Parvo kills within days. It wouldn't still be playing. It's parisites, I'm sure, but the only way to get rid of them is with a liquid that you can only get from a vet. Pay for the office visit and worm the puppy and I'm sure she will be fine.

    • Take your puppy to the vet! It could be parvo or hookworms, either way only a vet can save her. Puppies that young can go downhill very quickly. Take her off her food and feed her rice cooked with chicken broth, then mix it with cottage cheese.