Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

Mine is not aloud upstairs, (bedrooms, bathrooms), or in the downstairs bathroom, or the office. She goes in the halls, living room, garden, dining room and kitchen. Random question, but hey!Mine can't go upstairs as we have parrots, hamsters and gerbils…

    Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

    Mine is not aloud upstairs, (bedrooms, bathrooms), or in the downstairs bathroom, or the office. She goes in the halls, living room, garden, dining room and kitchen. Random question, but hey!Mine can't go upstairs as we have parrots, hamsters and gerbils…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?...

    • were ever he and she likes to go yes i got 2dogs but there will be no puppies as both dog as had the op as we think there are to many unwanted dogs a round

    • My two adult dogs are allowed everywhere except our master bedroom, b/c the previous owners had a dog, and the scent makes them want to pee in there, so they are not allowed. We got covered metal trash cans for the bathrooms, so they are allowed there and they don't drink toilet water. They sleep on or under the kids beds and and they have slowly learned when they are allowed in the kitchen. Otherwise, they follow us around the house so WE get to keep them company. Oh, they are fine with the cat and the parrot that we have. (but I just keep the parrot and cat under watch) Oh, and we have a decent fenced-in backyard.

    • My ladies are allowed everywhere when I'm home but when I'm out they are allowed in the Lounge (to sprawl on the sofa) & the Kitchen to lounge in their basket or eat. LOL

    • My GSD is allowed in the kitchen where she has her crate), the back hall, the dining room (as it's where I work and is between kitchen and sitting room) and sitting room, but only when we're in it. She has the run of the garden and the yard, which she can access any time at this time of year as I keep back door propped open. Only places she's not allowed are the bedrooms, the 2 bathrooms and the front hall.