How can I stop my dog from pooing in the house at night?

He is a little Jack Russel Terrier and is about 15 months old now. We have another dog who is 6 and seems too be a role model for our younger dog except when it comes to this! He poos nearly every night. He gets told off and smacked (after putting his…

    How can I stop my dog from pooing in the house at night?

    He is a little Jack Russel Terrier and is about 15 months old now. We have another dog who is 6 and seems too be a role model for our younger dog except when it comes to this! He poos nearly every night. He gets told off and smacked (after putting his…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my dog from pooing in the house at night?...

    • Set a timer or alarm and wake yourself up and take him potty. All my dogs go potty in the middle of the night, but I also suffer from nightmares, so I am not sure if I take them because they have to go, or I need a break from sleeping. If your dog is holding his potty all day while you are at work, he is likely to need an extra potty break at night. All dogs are different, some dogs never sleep through the night.

    • don't smack the puppy and shoving his face in it hours later mean NOTHING!!! they have no idea what they are getting punished for.Is he on a strict eating plan? is he fed early enough and given enough time to digest and do is business before bed time?And the fact that he is still a pup and needs encouragement, do you praise for pooping outside?

    • There is no point in smacking him, he will not understand. When he defecates outside go over the top with praise and give him a treat. Confine him to a small tiled room at bedtime and re clean the areas that he has pooed on.After a dog has urinated or defecated in the house, obviously you will clean this up. Perhaps you think that you have got rid of the smell and your friends will possibly confirm this, however your dog will still be aware of a smell. Your dog thinks that your house is a bathroom; dogs have a much greater sense of smell than we have. In the UK there is a washing powder to use in washing machines called Ariel get the BIOLOGICAL version Or get some special cleaning solution from the pet shop and clean your floor with this. Never ever use pine disinfectant because this encourages a dog to pee and poo.

    • Best thing is to start feeding him at different time. Mainly because they do it sometimes after being fed.It is no good smacking his nose or rubbing it into it. He is obviously not understanding.You as the owner need to keep an eye on him. When he looks as if he is going to..... put him outside immediately.When he does it outside praise him give him a treat.When he does it inside act angry. Put him outside. Let him know the difference.If he is doing this when you are in bed. You will have to start from scratch like with a puppy and put paper down getting nearer the door all the time.One important thing is that if you do not get rid of the smell completely he will think it is his place and keep doing it. Scrub around where he does it. Disinfectant it. Bleach it. Get rid of the odour. Dogs can smell far better than us.Hope he learns soon. Good luck. p.s. There may be some stuff you can buy to conceal the odours that only a dog can pick up. No matter how clean you are, which I expect you are.