Why cant my puppie and cats get along?

We got a new puppie recently and we already had two cats we introduced them slowly together, But the puppie keeps wanting to chase and play with the cats, and making a squeeking nose when she sees them. But the cats are very scared and run off and dont…

    Why cant my puppie and cats get along?

    We got a new puppie recently and we already had two cats we introduced them slowly together, But the puppie keeps wanting to chase and play with the cats, and making a squeeking nose when she sees them. But the cats are very scared and run off and dont…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why cant my puppie and cats get along?...

    • Why cant my puppie and cats get along?

      Why cant my puppie and cats get along? General Dog Discussions
      We got a new puppie recently and we already had two cats we introduced them slowly together, But the puppie keeps wanting to chase and play with the cats, and making a squeeking nose when she sees them. But the cats are very scared and run off and dont wanna come down stairs. Any suggestions? Please HELP.

      Why cant my puppie and cats get along?

      Why cant my puppie and cats get along? General Dog Discussions
    • It will just take time, BELIEVE ME. Cats are very territorial animals, and to them the dog is an invader. Unlike dogs, a cat's territory is an extension of themselves. Give it time, they will eventually accept her.I adopted a dog recently (a pit mix, actually - much bigger than a puppy) and the cats freaked out at first, but now they have accepted her - they even rub up against her and purr.

    • Because the cats are older and have been there longer, they are going to be hostile towards the dog for a while. When there is no one in the house, make sure to put the puppy in a kennel or another room so that the cats can have free roam in the house. MAKE SURE that you do NOT use the kennel as a punishment for the puppy otherwise he will hate the kennel. Keep water in the kennel, a few toys, and a few treats. Make sure the kennel is large enough for the puppy to be able to stretch out and lay down. Covering the kennel partially with a blanket will help keep the kitties calm and will allow them to small the puppy without the puppy noticing. If you don't have a kennel, get a baby gate and keep the puppy in a small room with a bed for him. That way the cats can choose to go in and see the puppy if they want to.

    • It is natural for the puppy to want to play with the cats but he needs to learn to give the cats their own space . It is important he see them as above him in the pack. It is so important that the cats can get away from him so if possible he shouldn't be allowed upstair that way they have there own secure places to hide and feel safe. And that downstairsr they also have places they can get away from him. Cats like to be up high. When you bring in a new puppy to a home with cats that already live there and have never lived with a dog before you just need to give it time. They all need to get used to each other and learn to repect each other space. As long as the puppy learns his place and to respect the cats and not keep bothering them with time and patients they will learn to live happily together.