I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.?

I really appreciate the help and advice I received and I will make sure that my much loved Newf, and myself, will learn how to cope with grooming.

    I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.?

    I really appreciate the help and advice I received and I will make sure that my much loved Newf, and myself, will learn how to cope with grooming....
    General Dog Discussions : I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.?...

    • I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.?

      I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.? General Dog Discussions
      I really appreciate the help and advice I received and I will make sure that my much loved Newf, and myself, will learn how to cope with grooming.

      I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.?

      I just want to say thank you to all who have responded to my question about grooming my Newf.? General Dog Discussions
    • not sure if I answered or not but glad to see you found your answer, wish you and your newf. the best, I have a great pyrenees and grooming is a killer as well she gets matted bad down the middle of her back and hates to be combed, we use horse's mane and tail shampoo to wash her which shines her coat and then comb her with a metal comb. good luck I know were you are coming from. good luckgotta love big hairy dog breeds.

    • Darn it all....I missed your question....I usually pick up on grooming questions since I make my living as a groomer. I don't know what the original question was so I don't know the age of youir dog, etc but let me send you some tips anyway...1) NEVER BATHE THE DOG UNTIL HE IS THOROUGHLY BRUSHED OUT AND MATT FREE - If you do, the matts tighten and becime harder to brush out....also, matts don't dry eality so he/she can get "hot spots" from the fur being wet too long.2) Use the proper tools. Slicker brushes are fine but you have to "layer brush" (lift up the coat and get to the skin and drop the coat a bit at a time. Use dematting tools for the areas that the slicker will not go through due to matting. Mopst of the matts are undercoat that is all bunched up....especially in the rear end, the elbows and the hip and "knee" joints....also the tummy....If the dog is shedding, mnake sure you have a "shed rake" (2 lengths of teeth on 1 tool - 1 for undercoat, 1 for topcoat - the teeth are 1 long, 1 short, 1 lopng, 1 short, etc) and also a shed blade (looks like a rounded hand saw - commonly used to groom horses) it really helps. IN ALL CASES, SHORT QUICK STROKES...if you get "stuck" - stop and work the matt. There are good detanglers available in pet stores..use them!Shampoo....use either a mild puppy shampoo or an oatmeal shampoo. With a coat like your Newf's....mix the shampoo with water first - about 1 part shampoo to 4 parts water.....easier to get into the coat BUT THE IMPORTANT PART OF THIS IS - EASIER TO RINSE OUT. Full strength shampoo will almopst never wash out of a huge coat and will cause itching and skin irritation.If your dog is just a pup, get hims used to it now before he gets any matts. Then he will always accept it. Start by making a game out of it and keep lots of treats on hand....A few brush strokes, a treat, etc, etc....hold his paws...play with them often....clip 1 nail, give him a treat until you work your way up to a full groom. Short periods to begin so he doesn't feel like he is being tortured.Anyhow...I could go on for hours but I won't. E-mail me if you have any questions. I'll be happy to help.Good luck,,,,,btw - I really like Newfs (both the dogs and the people..LOL)