how much approx my dog worth?

i have a 4 year old red female staffordshire terrier that me and my husband are putting up for sale, how much approx do staffys go for nowadays?? we bought her for over £200. answers would be appreiciated thankyou xxfor the majority of you guys thats…

    how much approx my dog worth?

    i have a 4 year old red female staffordshire terrier that me and my husband are putting up for sale, how much approx do staffys go for nowadays?? we bought her for over £200. answers would be appreiciated thankyou xxfor the majority of you guys thats…...
    General Dog Discussions : how much approx my dog worth?...

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    • I don't think you have any chance of selling your dog. it is probably a lovely dog, but most people prefer puppies. specially if you have to pay for it.I think you have a good chance finding a home for him if you give him away for free.Only to a good home obviously :)Don't judge you at all for wanting to give your dog away. Since my daughter was born I have not had enough time for my dog and I'd rather give her away than her being bored. And I'm a bit worried about leaving them in the same room when i want to go in the kitchen for just one minute.We have a bordercollie and they love to nip.If you can't trust your dog around your baby it's better to find a new home. I'm trying myself just not that easy.Good luck

    • Another poor dog being got rid of when a baby arrives, 'hey we have a new toy, lets get rid of the old one' people like you leave me speechless..... mostly!.. I have kept dogs, German Shepherds and various cross bred dogs as well for over30 years AND have brought up a family at the same time, I wouldn't have dreamt of getting rid of the dogs I had before my kids, they are part of the family as well.In answer to your question, do the poor dog a favour and give it to the RSPCA or Dogs Trust, how can you even think of wanting to cash in on it?!

    • she is worth about £150 but personaly if you have only had her a year then what about the 3 years she was with some other people i personaly would give her to a rescue organisation where they can find her a long term perminant home instead of being rehomed several times i really feel for the dog its not her fault but gaining money out of her seems a bit heartless sorry but think what the dog would be going through again

    • so you've had over nine months to re-train her and make her a valued family member,this will be her second/third home counting her breeder,nice,you knew you were pregnant/moving,why on earth did you not figure all this out before now,this folks is why rescue centres are over crowded,why dogs turn bad,why don't you contact her breeder who if decent, would take her back, and either keep her or rehome her to someone correct,someone who has some knowledge of the breed,who is willing to train her,and keep her for the rest of her poor dumped on anyone who'll give you a few quids life,Wendy

    • first of all i think it is good you are thinking about you baby first, i know people who are so self centered they would rather risk there baby hurt than give up a dangerous dog, im not intending that your dog is dangerous but that breed can get a bit to jelous and the consequenses wount be nice, your dog should be worth around £150 with out pedigree and about £300 with

    • your dog is worth nothing!!! Who wants to pay for a 4 year old dog, when dogs homes are bursting with them!! Try and find someone to give her to...or she will end up sitting in kennels til someone may or may not pick her!!! What a sentence to put your dog to!!

    • Hi,What a very sad situation for this poor dog.Surely you should have thought long term before comitting to dog ownership.This poor dog is going to have had 3 homes in four years.The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is NOT a dangerous dog,there temperament is reliable and stable to use this as an excuse is dreadful.What i suggest you do is have her spayed and give Staffordshire Bul Terrier rescue a call who can help you find a loving caring permant home,which should be more important than money.

    • If you have a baby and the dog is unreliable with children then you are right to let the dog go.I am an animal lover however children are much more precious and we have to do everything to protect them. It doesn't matter how much you love the dog, your child must come first.Unfortunately you will not get much for her. You can't pass her on to another family with children and unless she has a fantastic pedigree and a list of show wins - no breeder will want her.You may better accepting that you will need to let her go for nothing. If you do, please check carefully she is going to a reputable person as a lot of these dogs are used for illegal purposes.Good luck

    • Truthfully, I understand where you are coming from, yet instead of finding a price for profit, you should try and find her a good home with a middle aged or preferable older single female. (NO offense intended) They tend to be looking for a companion, usually protection, and may be able to offer them the individual love he deserves. A great home is worth more than the $100.00 he is worth.