2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..?

Ive taken her for 3 - 5 hour walks and she never does anything.. ive had her for 2 years now and never has she once done anything outside.. she waits untill we get through the door till she does her businessDude, Not a chance!

    2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..?

    Ive taken her for 3 - 5 hour walks and she never does anything.. ive had her for 2 years now and never has she once done anything outside.. she waits untill we get through the door till she does her businessDude, Not a chance!...
    General Dog Discussions : 2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..?...

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    • 2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..?

      2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..? General Dog Discussions
      Ive taken her for 3 - 5 hour walks and she never does anything.. ive had her for 2 years now and never has she once done anything outside.. she waits untill we get through the door till she does her businessDude, Not a chance!

      2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..?

      2 Year old Rottweiler, I take her for long walks and she waits till she gets in to do her business..? General Dog Discussions
    • maybe she has her own special spot that she likes.... it is weird though... i would suggest asking a vet why she might do this (health reasons), or try taking her to friend's house or something and see if she does anything at other people's houses.... if she doesn't it means you showed her that only her one spot is where she is allowed to "let go" ... might have done your potty training too well

    • It is all a matter of training with a dog.I once had a puppy to walk, it was going to become a dog for the blind.I had to take it out doors in the back and tell it to 'get busy' Once it had done it's business in my back, it could then go for a walk. Guide dogs must not foul on the public footpath.A scooper was used to remove the dog's feces and place it into a suitable receptacle.Perhaps the dog you have was similarly trained by some one else so that it did not foul the public footpaths too.?If she is 'going' in your house then she may have been trained to use a litter tray like cat's have. Make her stay in a place until she has gone where you want her to and offer a lot of praise, even treats . As a full grown dog, this may take some time to establish. But you need to do it every day, not just sometimes until she gets the idea of what YOU want her to do. 00

    • Walk her with another dog. When that dog pees, overly praise the dog and maybe treat them. She'll get the idea eventually that she can get exactly what she wants if she just pees outside. This is how I trained my three year old American Pit Bull. I walked her with a Mini Pinscher and praised the older female for 'going potty'. Make sure when she does go outside, to put a word or two to what she's doing. For instance, my dog knows exactly what 'Go potty' means. Also, stop walking. Many times dogs are so excited to be walking outside they don't corrolate in their minds that you're doing this so they'll potty outside. Dogs don't understand that that's what you want from them. I'm sure to her, there's nothing wrong with pottying inside. It's just one method. Your problem isn't really all that unusual, unfortunately. It's best to catch this behavior when they're young. Just keep treats handy, go to dog parks or areas that dogs are seen to pee in, or hell. Just watch a dog potty with her outside and praise that dog. She'll get it eventually.

    • it's really an easy question, it knows when she get's home she's going to be there for awhile so just like mine--they won't do their thing till there ready and if you try to take her in she wont do what she's supposed to do cause she knows once she does --it's back in the house!! my dogs will wait till the sun goe's away before they do their thing because they know as soon as they poop- it;s time to go in.

    • Oh hahaha! Are you sure you don't have my Whippet girl? I think this is more common with bitches than with males but for sure, mine (she's now 18 months) won't go off our property either (and as we intend to move soon.......!) We went away overnight, twice, recently and the first time she went 22 hours before peeing, and didn't pooh until we got back home - although in fairness, she didn't eat much, and did empty before we left home. I was getting so worried that I was considering having to find a vet to catheterise her. The second time she did pee in the evening the same day we left - but again, no pooh. And as she'd survived the first time, I wasn't quite as worried about what she wasn't doing!!I think you just have to accept how she is!!ps I tried, early on, taking mine outside, in the front of our property first thing when I knew she needed to go. I spent 20 minutes out there walking up and down (neighbours must have thought I'd gone mad), to no avail. She went immediately I bought her through the side gate. And she does have a companion who goes off our property.Add - I have to say mine doesn't ever go indoors!!!

    • Our dog is the same, I guess it's down to where the dog is trained from when they are puppies, if you house trained it in the garden like we did when it was a puppy, that's where they think they should go all the time.