How can people be so cruel?

We have just got our second dog. We got him from a family that have had him from a pup for 9 years. They have a 14 month child and their excuse for getting rid of him was that "the child keeps pulling him around". They admitted he'd scratched the kid on…

    How can people be so cruel?

    We have just got our second dog. We got him from a family that have had him from a pup for 9 years. They have a 14 month child and their excuse for getting rid of him was that "the child keeps pulling him around". They admitted he'd scratched the kid on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can people be so cruel?...

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    • It's not worth dwelling on the past - your lovely new hairy addition to the family has landed on all four paws at last! Enjoy him - he'll love you to bits!

    • The dog is very lucky to have hooked up with you and your partner.The family he came from should be ashamed of themselves.The poor dog must be so confused Friend's of mine,gave their dog away, a little Yorkie,he had been loved and petted by them for 8 years. A child (not theirs) came to live with them,they just gave the dog away like a piece of rubbish.When i found out i thought it was a joke as they had this dog as a baby.I lost all respect for my friend ,and never looked at her in quite the same same way.He seems to have settled in with you well,i wish you all many happy walks together.

    • Sounds like his old owners didn't realise that kids need training in how to behave around dogs as well as the other way round.They are also probably the type who forgot the golden rule-never leave a young child alone with a dog,even for a minute. Humans can be incredibly cruel to their pets. I had a Bearded Collie who was put up for re-homing because his old owners finally decided to do the right thing after mistreating and underfeeding him for years.He was a great dog and lived happily here for 5 years before dying from a stroke 2 years ago. I currently have an 11 yr old Saluki who was put up for re-homing aged 7 after being rescued by the police after her scumbag owners-who had used her for illegal coursing and fed her a rubbish diet-raw meat on the days she hunted and caught something,other days junk food like curry or fish and chips-decided to dump her on the moors cos she was slowing down a little with age and was now missing more animals than she caught. The owners were caught-they had just bought a young lurcher to take her place-and prosecuted for animal cruelty,poaching and a few other things. It was good in a way though because I got her and the family of one of the policemen involved got a lovely young lurcher puppy.

    • welcome to the world of real people! they are cruel, my female dog, penny was badly treated, in fact when i got her the vet said if i had left her another week she would have died of starvation. she was tied up in this womans back yard with washing line, boiling hot day, no food or water. when i got her to my home she dived behind my settee, she was depressed. took me two years to get her right. she never barks,begs,toilets in the house, hasn't got a bad bone in her body, i still don't understand why she was treated this way, typical animal cruelty, sad! to top it off this woman went out and got another dog!!!1 i went round and took him off her, i wouldn't let her have him back, so now i have two gorgeous dogs!!!

    • i no what you mean that family seem a bit stupid they have lost out on a great dog and well done to you seeing his good side and not giving up just coz they didn't want him. Goyou i just hope that family reads this questionand then they'll feel stupid w@nkers