Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

I've a 35 days old rottweiler and the tail didn't been docked until now, does anyone have any idea about docking the tail at that age?

    Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

    I've a 35 days old rottweiler and the tail didn't been docked until now, does anyone have any idea about docking the tail at that age?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?...

    • Tails docs are supposed to be done between 3 and 5 days of age. After the 3 to 5 day period, it is then considered a tail amputation. No ethical Vet will amputate the tail solely for cosmetic purposes.

    • I just went through something similar with a poorly docked tail on a 9 month old min pin. My vet uses laser surgery and recommended the same for an amputation at this age, as there are major nerves and blood vessels to contend with. It can be done, but the sooner the better. my cost for the tail was $150.00 since she was already under anesthetic for her spay.

    • First of all, at 35 days old, it is no longer considered 'docking' the tail but an amputation.Docking the tail is done at 3 days old because of the pain. This is a numbed sensation at such a young age because the nerves have not fully become functional in the periferal portions of the body like the tail. It is also done because research has shown that they do not remember the pain at such a young age. Now that your dog is 35 days old, you have only one actual questions, which is do you want to dock the tail or not. This is purely for the looks. It is normally done to make the puppy fit the breed standard, which is important if you are showing for comformations. Having the tail is not a disadvantage, nor does it hurt your dog.However, docking the tail is going to hurt. When a tail is docked, they are removing bone and tissue and completely removing almost all of the tail (at least for a Rottie that has a very small/practically non existant tail after docking). The tail is part of the spine, and small reminants of the spinal cord still travel through the tail bones in inervate the tail - allowing motion and feeling. Thus, performing this surgery is very painful and requires a pretty high level of pain management after performed. If you want to dock, do it while your dog is under anesthesia during the spay or neuter procedure. This is done starting at 4-6 months old (depending on your veterinarian) as most puppies can not handle the stress of anesthesia on the body before this age. (docking 3 day old puppies is done without anesthesia) In 3 day old puppies, the tail is cut off, 1-2 sutures are placed, and then it is finished with tissue glue. Imagine your dog's tail at 3 days old. Now look at the size of the tail at 35 days old. It is much larger, so is going to have to have much more than glue. Remember, amputating the tail will not be done by most veterinarians at 35 days old because the liver and kidneys are not fully formed to process the anesthesia. So if you do decide to go through with it, they will most likely ask that you wait until the puppy is 4-6 months old.As for healing, the tip of the tail is actually one of the most difficult locations for any dog to heal. It can not be bandaged (as it easily comes off) and is in line to be hit against a lot of stuff in his/her life. So he/she may have some difficulty in healing. This means a lot of home care from you to make sure it heals properly and does not get infected.You need to consider everything. If you want to dock his/her tail, remember it is simply going to be for looks, not functionality, and have it done by your veterinarian with a follow up of intense pain management (injection for pain and take home medications for pain).Rotties tails are docked for guarding purposes, making sure that no one who intruded on the land had anything to hold on to when the dog attacked them such as the ears or the tail. But if your dog is a pet, the usefullness of the tail docking is gone, it is simply to give your dog a look of the breed.In the end, it is your decision, but if you love your puppy, do you really want to hurt her simply for something as cosmetic as a tail. In the UK, ear cropping has been banned and tail docking is on its way out. So there very well may be a day when you don't see a Rottie with its tail docked. Discuss it with your veterinarian, even by phone. Your vet may not perform cosmetic surgery like tail docking beyond 5 days. Remember this when asking, as much cosmetic surgery is not supported by the American Veterinary Medicine Association. And here is a website with more information about canine cosmetic surgery, check it out.

    • I'm not sure what reason you would have for wanting the tail docked.If you are in the UK, this link may be of interest:, even if you are not in the UK, it might be of interest, since you would be unable to show your dog over here if you had it done.35 days old and it's not been done yet? Even if it was legal in the UK I wouldn't bother.

    • My Rotti had her tail done w/in 72 hrs of birth so she came to us docked. I would have loved her the same if she had a tail. It is a lot harder to read her emotions without a tail - other people can't tell 'what she is saying'. I used her in Search and Rescue and seasoned SAR people couldn't read her alerts. I could because I live with her and 'know' her BUT others can't and that can be a recipe for disaster with a 'dangerous breed'. Please don't dock the tail it is done for all the wrong reasons and your dog will be happier.