My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples?

I would like to know if this is normal? I would of thought she is too young to be producing milk?She is a StaffyxLab mix.She has been in heat once since I've had her, which was about a month ago. Thought that be of some use when answering.Any help…

    My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples?

    I would like to know if this is normal? I would of thought she is too young to be producing milk?She is a StaffyxLab mix.She has been in heat once since I've had her, which was about a month ago. Thought that be of some use when answering.Any help…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples?...

    • My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples?

      My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples? Dog Breed Discussions
      I would like to know if this is normal? I would of thought she is too young to be producing milk?She is a StaffyxLab mix.She has been in heat once since I've had her, which was about a month ago. Thought that be of some use when answering.Any help appreciated.

      My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples?

      My 1 year old puppy has discharge coming from her nipples? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs can get pregnant as young as 6 months old.If she is producing milk, she is probably pregnant.Call the vet tomorrow to have an emergency spay/abort. I can't tell you how many Pit Bull Lab mixes are euthanized in our shelter.

    • Please take her to the vet. If she is pregnant get her aborted and spayed.She should have been spayed before her first heat.Staffy/pits are the most abused, most bred and the first to be put down in shelters. Shelters are overwhelmed with staffy's.

    • Your dog could be pregnant or going through a false pregnancy. Take her to the vet just to see if she is pregnant or not bc they can become pregnant after their first heat.

    • has she been matted, did you let her of the lead when she was in season!If no then she may think she is expecting, my dog had the same thing, she was never matted, as i never walk a dog in season, she had a mammary tumour in her breast which required an operation i also then had her done, maybe seek a vet, feel to see if it is lumpy or swollen.

    • She may well be having a phantom pregnancy - without knowing her history I don't know that she isn't actually pregnant.Take her in to be looked at by a vet. She needs to be spayed before her next season. I hope you're not thinking of letting her have puppies - the world is already overrun with staffi types!Chalice