whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy?

Any help at all will be appreciated as this is the 1st puppy I have ever had.

    whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy?

    Any help at all will be appreciated as this is the 1st puppy I have ever had....
    Dog Breed Discussions : whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy?...

    • whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy?

      whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      Any help at all will be appreciated as this is the 1st puppy I have ever had.

      whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy?

      whats the best way to train an 8 week old jack russell puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • if it's your first puppy I recommend training classes at your local Petsmart....that's what I did with my pup (also my first) and it was amazing! I had no idea what I was doing before! Also don't get lazy....keep at him....say no when he chews something he shouldn't, don't let him pull when you are walking him because it'll just get worse when he's bigger....i learned these things the hard way hehehehe

    • start him off on newspaper,by sitting him dow and patting him n the head.after va while he may start using the paper, and you can gradually pit the paper outside, thereratrically this is supposed to work. I tried all this but I still found myself picking up his droppings every day for months and months. I was cocnstantly taking him to the park, and at times on arriving home he did it again. I gave him to a farmer because he would have total freedom. I believe that most small breeds are not good at being clean at home..sorry I cant be of any moreuse

    • Positive reenforcement, consistence, and patience. Jack russells are very smart and eager to please!You can look up crate training, or do it the old fashioned way. I potty trained my parents j.r. the old fashioned way and it took about a month, didn't take her long to get the idea!

    • give the puppy lots of motivation. every time he/she gets something right, give him/her a treat and a good cuddle.. also, try being consistent.. You also have to be patient and firm because they are easily distracted.

    • THe absolute best thing u can do is take u and ur pup off to puppy classes (puppy socialisation). It will do u and ur pup the World of good and help u bring up a well rounded pup.Ur pup will have the opportunity to learn to socialise with other dogs and humans, u will teach ur pup the important basic commands and understand how to handle common behavioural problems.I have owned many dogs and still do and every new dog goes to puppy classes, even though Im an experienced owner. Best money u could ever spend.

    • jack russells are great little dogs i have three the best way is to use cheese as a treat .get a small piece of cheese and let the pup smell it you will have his attention straight away tell him to sit and gently push his bum down with your other arm.hold him there if you have too.give him the treat and say good boy .after doing this 2 or 3 times he will do it everytime you tell him to and you can stop the treat.once he is used to doing this you start teaching him other thing like lying down and so on good luck you have got a very clever little pet when you get a jack russelll

    • the most important thing you can do for your pup at this age is socialise him / her. Even before your dogs vaccinations are finished you can get her out and about just don't let her on the floor where un-vaccinated dogs have been or allow her to socialise with dogs who may not have been vaccinated. You can still let her experience the sights and sounds she needs to get used to you will just have to carry her. Take her in the car, on the bus, train, to the shops, to school to see the kids for a walk in the woods etc. etc. Puppies who do this when they are young grow into well adjusted adults and by socialising her at a young age (the critical period of human socialisation is from 7 to 12 - 14wks) you avoid many problems later. As to basic obedience use only positive reinforcement methods, clicker training, play training etc. Make it fun and keep it short and simple (there are many good books available). Also join a good puppy class. You can go without your dog until she is vaccinated in order to watch, learn and start at home. There will also be people there to discuss things with and get tips from.