Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house?

We are getting a puppy and already have a dog who pees outside and sleeps in our room, can I carry this on and crate train a puppy in the kitchen? Tips please. Professional answers please

    Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house?

    We are getting a puppy and already have a dog who pees outside and sleeps in our room, can I carry this on and crate train a puppy in the kitchen? Tips please. Professional answers please...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house?...

    • Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house?

      Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      We are getting a puppy and already have a dog who pees outside and sleeps in our room, can I carry this on and crate train a puppy in the kitchen? Tips please. Professional answers please

      Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house?

      Introducing and toilet training a puppy with a dog already in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Sure you can. The new puppy doesn't know any different than what you teach it. When housetraining a puppy you always keep it in the room with you so you can watch it closely and crate it only at night and when you can't watch it. The puppy gets more freedom as it gets older and housetrained.

    • Typically, having a house trained dog is an advantage. First thing in the morning, take both dogs outside. The other dog will teach this dog the right habits. That being said, you need to realize that a younger dog needs to answer the call more often than the older one. Here is a website that has a lot of information about house training, including a table as to how long a dog can hold

    • well i have a dog of my own here and my sister got him when he was 8 weeks.. make yoru dog pee on a training pad, once yoru dog pees there once he'll keep peeing there all the time because he can smell his urine so that'll be he's regular place to pee, hope i helped and pretty pro ;)

    • Hi K8. Congratulations on your new addition to your family! It is really great news that you already have a dog that is successfully house trained because it will reduce the likelihood of the dogs peeing inside. The older dog will help your new dog better understand what is expected in his or her new home. Some of the other posters are correct to suggest that the puppy will need to go outside more ofter because puppies - like children - need to develop there ability to hold their bladders. The crate will be helpful since the new pup will not have any opportunities to pee everywhere while you are away from home. There is now a great solution to allow your dogs to roam the house together and play while you are home without having to worry about any accidents in your home. It is called The Housebreaker. It is a safe and proven effective device that your pup will wear. The Housebreaker will sense if the pup tries to pee in your home - set off an alarm and startle your pup so the dog stops peeing immediately. You will then be able to show the pup where you want him or her to go...outside. Want to learn more? Check it out at There are loads of resources on the site at Good luck! I'm sure you will do great!