How to put husband off getting a dog?

First off, I'm nervous about dogs, and he insists I will get used to them if we get a puppy.Secondly, we work full time, the both of us.We live in rented accomodation with two cats.I'm at my wits end trying to get him to see reason. I've went on…

    How to put husband off getting a dog?

    First off, I'm nervous about dogs, and he insists I will get used to them if we get a puppy.Secondly, we work full time, the both of us.We live in rented accomodation with two cats.I'm at my wits end trying to get him to see reason. I've went on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to put husband off getting a dog?...

    • take him to bed more regularly and he will forget about dogs

    • This is a MAN we are talking about. There is no telling him no, he's acting like a spoiled, whiny little boy and you already KNOW that you are the one who is going to have to care for it when he gets bored with it.Puppies CANNOT be left for 7 hours a day by itself (even with cats to torment) without causing mental trauma and difficulty in house breaking. It is not fair to ANY dog to not have a big yard to play in and all the nightly walks in the world is not going to change that. Who is the person who is going to be walking the pup in the dead of winter or pouring rain , in the middle of the night? bet it won't be him!! And lets not forget that puppies will cry LOUDLY ALL DAY when left on their own.Sure enough though, one day he's just going to walk in with a pup in his arms NO MATTER how many times you say NO!!Good luck and I hope he "wakes up" soon.

    • a puppy can usually keep it in for their age in months+1 hour. This is until about 8 months because 9 hours is about the max for any dog. So if you get a puppy they are usually 8 weeks or 2 months- this gives you 3 hours max. It'll be nearly impossible to train 'cause it'll pee inside all day.Tell him you need to adopt a dog from a rescue or shelter and it needs to be at least 8 months.

    • It sounds like you already have a dog....... YOUR HUSBAND.Why would he force you to put up with a dog when they clearly make you nervous and why would he be that cruel to a dog and make it stay in alone for over 7 hrs a day, every day.

    • Men eh? You are right in not wanting to bring a puppy into the house but he wont believe me either i think! You CANNOT leave a puppy on its own for over 7 hours a day! It will become withdrawn, isolated and maybe destructive through boredom. It is cruel to leave a pup for that length of time and it will certainly bark continuously while alone, thus annoying your neighbours. If your neighbours complain to your landlord, your in trouble! Does your landlord allow pets? As you are in rented accommodation, you will have to replace carpets and furniture when the pup, through being left alone!, goes to the toilet on them! You are right when you point out that the shelters are full of dogs whose owners have got them on a whim without really considering the responsibility of getting a dog. Who is going to look after it when he wants to go on holiday? Pet accommodation can be expensive while you are away for a fortnight! Is he going to pay for its medical treatment? How will your cats react to a strange puppy? They might leave home! Mine did when i got my yorkie, he was missing for two months! With cats, you can leave them a litter tray and plenty of food and go off for a romantic night away, you cant with a dog! There are a million and one reasons why you shouldn't get a puppy and tell him that a million and one people are on your side on this one! Tell him to wait until you've got a place of your own and one of you is at home all day! Now there's an idea! If he's willing to work extra hours to make up your wages each week, you'll gladly stay at home to look after his new pup!!! See how that one goes down ha ha. Good luck to you and stand your ground!

    • tell him if he wants a dog he is the one to look after it IE no more late Sunday mornings in bed, the alarm has to be set earlier in the week so the dog can be walked be fore he goes to work, then when he gets home from work after a hard day and it's raining, the dog has to be taken out first, then again at night befor you go to bed! then theres the furniture and carpets ,loose cushions they get chewed gnawed and peed on then theres the fact that puppies can't go for any length of time without going they see no reason to wait!then the time needed to train it, and the pup! then theres the vet bills the injections, the cost of putting it in kennels while you go away for a few days, because the relatives wont look after it because he didn't do a very good job of the training ,and they don't want their house trashed Oh and by the way your house smells now as well!

    • Tell him the landlord won't allow it. Dogs need much attention and I wouldn't want to leave a puppy longer that 5hrs so 7+ hrs would certainly be much. Maybe he could find a friend with a dog and do some dog walking (rain and shine) to see how he feels.

    • If only more people had your presence of mind. Ok, so he may be right about the nerves. But the rest of your argument is correct. My suggestions to deter him would include telling him about:The separation anxiety the pup would be likely to suffer as a result of your both going out to work each day leading to:An unhappy animal potentially suffering behavioural problems including difficulty in house breaking and destructive/noisy behaviour.Two unhappy cats caused by this unwelcome, unhappu intruder.A wrecked, smelly house and a very unhappy wife.Tell him to look into the cost of doggy day care. That should bring him to his senses.Good luck