Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy?

So my friend Joey adopted a Border colie puppy from the shelter, he had always wanted one, they're his favorite breed, but then when it was 6 months old (he got it at 3 months) he became severely depressed, even tried to commit suicide once! Why did he…

    Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy?

    So my friend Joey adopted a Border colie puppy from the shelter, he had always wanted one, they're his favorite breed, but then when it was 6 months old (he got it at 3 months) he became severely depressed, even tried to commit suicide once! Why did he…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy?...

    • Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy?

      Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      So my friend Joey adopted a Border colie puppy from the shelter, he had always wanted one, they're his favorite breed, but then when it was 6 months old (he got it at 3 months) he became severely depressed, even tried to commit suicide once! Why did he get depressed after he got the puppy of his dreams!? Whenever I get a new dog I get happy not depressed! What is wrong with him?Painted Pony - they have got him on mood pills now, he's not so depressed anymore.

      Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy?

      Why did my friend get depressed after he got a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • It's probably a coincidence! Maybe something hard hit his life that you don't know about! Answer mine?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=At66XzzyY_eWILsN8dHRbYQM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20120625114507AAgnKRh

    • Your friend's depression existed before he got the dog - trust me on this. It could be that he decided to get the dog of his dreams thinking that would make him happy. When that didn't work, he tried to take his own life.Your friend needs help. Counseling at a minimum, and psychiatric help for this depression. This is a serious condition and it should be addressed immediately. Since he's your friend, urge him to get the help he needs.